Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Are They Ready For This?

The chanting grew louder and the leader of the group stood above Sam with his hands outstretched clutching a knife in one hand. Sam moved and raised his eyes to meet the blood red eyes of the evil that was about to take his life and he cried out, "Father in heaven, make the blade swift and allow me to be in Your Almighty presence forever." The leader's hand seemed to freeze in mid air and the heavens opened as a voice said, "Child of God, your time on earth is not yet finished. Behold your life will be spared by the One who has the power and control to give and take life. The hand above you will do you no harm."
The leader of the group began hissing, "The master demands this life and it will not be taken from us. The master has power over all on this earth."
The voice again spoke, "Your master has deceived all to believe his powers are greater than the One creator. If you do not renounce your claims, wrath will follow you for all eternity."
Again the leader hissed, "This is a battle the master will win and we will not turn our allegiance from the one who rules."
"The soul of man will be the Master's. You have no will over me," the leader spat.
Sam watched as the leader again made an attempt to loose his hand from the invisible grip, but he was unable to lower the knife. Sam made one last plea, "You have a choice this day to accept the one true God and Master. Follow the One who died for your sins and rose again on the third day to take His rightful place on the right hand of God Almighty. The one you follow has no power over Jesus Christ and will lose this battle."
The leader looked down upon Sam eyes ablaze with the evil that was within and he made one last struggle to follow through with his intent to sacrifice Sam. The heavens turned a brilliant red and fire reigned down upon the robed men. They were incinerated within seconds and all that was left was a pile of ashes.
Bud and Kerri rushed to Sam's side and helped him off the boulder. Bud hugged him tightly, "You are the bravest man I've ever known. I felt so helpless. God was with us this day."

- P4H

Aini woke the next morning with a splitting headache. She dragged herself through her morning ritual of prayers. She bemoaned the fact that there was no real water for ceremonial washing. Perhaps the Potentate will turn the water back to its rightful color very soon. She still couldn't figure out why her head hurt so badly. Maybe a walk through the city would distract her mind from her headache. Aini sighed loudly as she hurried down the walk.

A cool breeze fanned her hot cheeks as she got closer to the riverside. Just a few more side streets and I'll be there! I can ask Abdul the meaning of this war. Aini exulted. She broke into a swift trot.

Oh brother. I wonder what this is all about. Aini grumbled as she turned down a side street but stopped so fast that she almost lost her balance.

Dear God!! A butcher knife![i] Her thoughts screamed at her, [i]Run! Horror held Aini rooted to the spot. A hand poked out of an open doorway. That hand held a long butcher knife. A body followed the hand out of the doorway. Another man stood in the street with a sharp surgical blade clutched between his fingers. The butcher man's face was contorted with rage.

"You dare come here! You dare to talk about that here? Give me the full payment tomorrow morning. In women and wine."

"But that's evil." objected the second man.

"@#$% YOU! NO! You pay me NOW!"

"But - No. Don't kill me!" But it was too late. The blade was slowly descending. Butcher man had a evil grin on his face as he saw Aini standing in the alley. Aini couldn't move now. She was glued to the spot with fear.


On the Ranch

Kristen, Nathan and Skunk were packing up all the books, while Leon sat in a chair his eyes glued to the floor. Everyone who was able was helping with the packing and it was going smoothly.
"I don't understand why we have to move." Leon muttered. He was shocked when Kristen answered.
"Because Shade and Maddie think it would be best to move now rather than wait. That GF guy really hates Christians. Shade tried to tell him what Jesus had done for him, but he just wouldn't listen. Shade said he just got really angry and made a remark about Christians have always been the the problem. That guy is going to remeber us being here when the AC shows his true colors toward Christians and Jews, so it's best we move now."
Leon just shook his head, refusing to look at Kristen.
Kristen decided to take a different tact. She sat in the chair opposite Leon. "I've seen them too."
Leon jerked his head up and frowned. "Who?"
"The creatures." Kristen said simply.
Leon's mouth fell open. "You...really? Where? When?"
"In dreams. They were there when Jesus was crucified. Their names were Sin, Hell and Death. They were there with Lucifer."
Leon looked hard at her to see if she was lying. "What do they look like?" He asked suspiciously.
"Ugly! Gray with short legs, kinda twisted and bent backward at the knee. Long toe nails that look like claws. Really long arms with gnarled fingers, and the same long nails that they click together all the time. Their faces look like something out of a nightmare. Noses sunken in, eyes that bulge, and long sharp teeth that drip spit. Kinda like a snakes fangs." Kristen furrowed her brow as she tried to remember as many details as she could. "The would jump and spin around . It was dizzying to watch. And their makes my skin crawl to even remember it. And when they talk their voice sounds like a small child, but not." Kristen shook her head. "I don't know how to describe it."
"They sound whiny, kinda gravely. Like they have really bad sore throats. And they singsong when they talk." Leon finished for her.
"Yeah!" Kristen nodded.
"And when they jump on you they scratch you with their claws and it burns like the worst fire or acid you can imagine. But they don't leave a mark. It just keeps burning. There's nothing you can put on the scratches to make the burning go away, because you can't see the scratches and it seems to spread like venom." Leon continued as Kristen's eyes widened in horror.
"Ice doesn't work. Burn balm doesn't either. Nothing makes the burning stop." Leon reached around and pressed his palm to his shoulder blade and rubbed while he gripped the arm of the chair with his other hand. "It just keeps burning." Leon's eyes seemed far away.
"They jumped on you and scratched you?" Kristen reached out and placed her hand on top of Leon's hand that gripped the arm of the chair.
Leon jerked his hand away. "Don't touch me!" He looked afraid.
"What? Are they here? Do you see the creatures?" Kristen asked her voice shaking.
"No. They don't look happy right now." Leon said with a jerk of his chin.
Kristen turned and saw that both Nathan and Skunk had stopped packing boxes and stood their arms crossed over their chests. They were glaring at both her and Leon.
"Oh don't mind them. The're just like overprotective big brothers." Kristen reached into her pocket and grabbed a rubberband. Spinning in the chair she fired the rubberband and hit Nathan in the forehead.
Nathan's eyes widened, and he gave a small grin. "Nice shot." He said.
Skunk narrowed his eyes as he saw Kristen aim another rubber band at him. "You wouldn't dare." He said sternly.
Kristen fired the rubberband and hit Skunk in the chin. "Get back to packing." Kristen ordered giggling.
Skunk rubbed his chin, while Nathan reached over and ruffled her hair. "Yes ma'am."
Kristen turned back to Leon. "You better get helping too, or else." She twilrled another rubberband around her finger as she stood up. She reached down and picked up a box. "You can start putting the books from that bookcase in this." She pointed to the case as she handed Leon the box.
Leon looked unsure, but did as Kristen told him, and as he placed a Bible in the box he began to wonder. Was it possible that Belle had been telling him the truth? Had Kristen really forgiven him, and if so, could God really forgive him too?

- Zags

“Ten minutes to drop zone” Josh announced
“Conn to forward torpedo room, are you ready for ballast?”
“Copy Conn, ballast when you’re ready. We will talk on radio once we are on air mask”

“All hand stand by for ballast of forward torpedo room” A alarm sounded and soon after announcing, the room was slowly filling up with water as it pushed the air out.

As the water rose higher, the Navy Seals placed their masked on and tested once more all their equipment. With 2 minutes to go till the drop point, the outside hatch was opened. The sub had a back bell on and every so slowly inched closer to their target.

“On station sir”
“All stop” Josh told the helmsmen
“All stop”
“Sonar shut down sonar operation till further notice”
“Copy sir”
Fifteen seconds later Sonar reported sonar was secure. Joe pushed the transmit button on the radio “Wales to team Juliet Sera, you are go for departure”

“Copy Wales, keep a watch at sunrise, we hope to show you what you are looking for”
“Copy Juliet Sera, God speed, we will be praying”

At 01:00.35 the Naval Seal Team Juliet Sera cleared the hatch of the submarine and headed to the surface. Once on top, they pulled the lanyard that popped the air cylinders on the raft. In seconds, a 12 foot rubber raft with a 7.5 Johnson motor formed and under a minute, the Juliet team was racing to their target.

“Conn to Ballast control, close hatch and deballast”
“Copy sir”

At 01:01.10 the Seal team radioed to the Wales they were on the surface and headed for their target. All Joe and his crew could do now was wait.

- Alex

The run across the Hudson River was as quick as could be, since it was night time and the traffic was slow, no one noticed the small rubber raft as it sped towards it target.

Joe had raised the scope and could see the raft skim over the mirrored water. “Lord, be with these men. Guide them so they may bring glory to you. Protect them Jesus and I hope each one of them turns to you before you call them home”

“Conn to Sonar, bring the sonar back online”
“Copy sir”

“Josh, find us a spot where we can see the target at sunrise and we are away from traffic”
“Copy sir, I have a place picked out just for you sir”

“Down scope”
Slowly under the cover of darkness, the HMS Wales eased to it new location.

- Alex

Iraq suffered from the bloody waters. Many wished that those idiots at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem could be silenced. What did Iraq have to do with Israel? Yet how could a Jewish plague affect a faraway place like Iraq? Whenever it rained, blood poured from from the skies, permanently staining clothes, and streaking houses red. Even the mosques glowed red at dusk. Cars looked like they had chicken pox.

Somehow, Potentate Angyros managed to have immaculately cleaned clothes and a spotless motorcade.

The cows could not drink blood and they too became thin and lean. It was such a sad sight to watch as they wandered about the country lowing pitifully in search of fresh water.

The citizens of Iraq began to look to Potentate Angyros for help. Their constant request was turn this blood back into water.


Four lean forms crouched low to the ground, slinking along in the shadows of the houses. The pack was hungry. Birds and small game were migrating or leaving the area in search food and water. Their owners were trying to survive this plague so they stopped feeding them. There was nothing to do but to hunt down bigger game.

The leader kept his nose glued to the ground. He could smell the scent distinctly now. Any minute they'd have their quarry at bay. Suddenly the whole pack caught of whiff of freshly spilled blood and rotting flesh. They surged foward, past the river, past the meat market. Like four silent, deadly arrows of death, they sped closer and closer.

Aini's eyes widened in astonishment. Four dogs bounded over the rough cobblestones toward the butcher man. Hearing the clatter, he whirled, screamed and tried to run. It was a futile effort. The leader lept on him, bowling him to the ground. The pack paused to kill their victim, then the leader headed straight towards Aini.


Sera 1 laying in front of the boat waved his hand to the left three times signaling Sera 2 to come left about three degrees. From studying the chart and maps of the area, he knew that up ahead along the shore would be a rock bank that they could secure the boat too.
A half of mile out, the form of their target took shape. With all the lights of the city, they couldn’t turn on the night vision goggles but the lights in the background told them where they had to be.

Moving closer and around 600 yards the motor was cut so they drifted in. With just under fifty yards to go, Sera 3 & 4 jumped it with ropes and pulled the raft to the rocks. After tying it up and removing the gear they needed, Sera 1&3 head to the left while Sera 2&4 headed right.

The goal was to first circle the target to ensure no one was around and to check on lights that might illuminate them as they walked around.

“Contact” Sera 1 whispered
All members hearing this in their ear phone stopped and waited.
“Two contacts Northwest corner, standing with back to me one hundred yards out”
“Sera 2, you and 4 come in from the east corner stay in the bushes and wait”


Sera 1 pointed to some large bushes that were to the left of the two contacts, Sera 3 tapped his leg twice acknowledging Sera 1. Slowly the two seals moved closer, without a sound, they eased to a laying position just 15 yards away from what appeared to be two security guards.

Sera 2 and 4 worked their way in from the east and sat behind a row of roses that had not been taken care of for a long while. Sera 4 thought to him self, if his grandmother had seen them whoever ran this place, she would have had a fit. “In position” Sera 2 whispered.

Knowing they had some time to spare and accounting on some type of guards, the Seal team sat and listened to the security guards talk.

“You know Leon, I was thinking, maybe it was time we thought about head back home.”
“Really Bob… Man I’ve been wanting to go back for a long time now but I figured you was enjoying yourself that I could wait”
“Me, Leon I thought you wanted to stay”
“Say lets leave today after we get off, we can give our boat to that homeless family down the road were we tied up at” Leon announced with a big smile
“OK but what about our jobs and the pay?”
“We still have two hundred dollars from Lou, I say we leave”

“I’m with you partner, say you think they would mind if we got us some of these rabbits running around here”

“Heck no, I figure this many they need to be thinned out”
“Great” Leon pulled out his flashlight and the .45 they gave him and started looking for one of the many hundreds of rabbits they normally saw.

“Target is orange” Sera 1 whispered telling his team a treat was possible.

The team watched as the light hit a rabbit sitting on the front steps. BAM the pistol sounded and the rabbit lay dead.
“Nice shot” Sera 3 said

BAM, BAM and two more BAM, three more rabbits became dinner.
The team sat there weapons on target incase Bob or Leon turned towards them.
Bam, bam, bam, bam… Bam Bam, both men was having a field day shooting the rabbits as they hopped off. Each one aimed at fell to the poisons of lead. Not one shot was wasted nor missed. The Seal Team was quite impressed.

Click, click, click, “All out” both men stated as they holstered their weapons and started picking up their kill.

“I counted 18, and saw on reload” Sera 1 whispered
“18 and no reload” each team member replied after they all counted the shoots and watched the two men’s actions.

Sera thought for a minute then “Sera 2 & 4 cover 1 & 3”

“Let’s go have a talk with out Fish and Game violators”

Sera 1 & 3 stood up. “Gentlemen may I see your hunting license please”

Leon and Bob froze, what had they done, thoughts of not being able to leave for home flashed through Leon’s

"Oh sweet Jesus, get us out of this mess" Leon said

- Alex

Andrew found his new office to be much larger than his previous one and there would be plenty of room for another desk for Mark. He called Lt. Henson to come into his office. He heard the knock on the door and replied,"Enter." Lt. Henson saluted and stood waiting for Andrew to speak. "Lt. at ease. I have a few questions concerning our new recruit, Jason. Who gave him permission for the three day leave? When did he return and what was his state of mind when he returned?"
Lt. Henson began to shift back and forth and seemed to be choosing his words wisely, "Sir, I gave the young man the pass. He said he needed to check on his sister who was staying with friends in the Ozarks. I didn't think you would mind since we had accomplished the move quicker than anticipated. I didn't notice anything different about him when he returned Sunday evening."
"Thank you, Lt. You are dismissed and please have Jason report to my office in one hour," Andrew said with a stern voice.
Andrew paced about the room thinking about how he would find out what Jason was really doing because he had not been to see his sister. He certainly wanted Mark here when he questioned Jason and get his feel on whether he was being told the true story or not. Sam had told him about the attempt on Kerri and his life by Jason.....that's who killed Steven. Now I only have to trap him into admitting he was the one. Why didn't I think of that before. Sam was unsure about Jason and if he had actually accepted Christ or if he was still following an evil master.
He heard another tap on the door and called out, "Enter."
Mark opened the door and whistled, "Nice office, dude."
Andrew frowned, "Yeah, it will do. I need you here when I interview Jason in less than an hour. By the way, think you can be comfortable in here with me?"
"No doubt. This office is huge. Nice couch for afternoon naps, too," Mark said with a chuckle.
"I don't think we will be taking any afternoon naps. Now if we are working late, maybe the couch can be a nice place to get a few minutes of shuteye. Any way, we need to put our heads together regarding Jason. I feel it in my gut that he's the one who shot Sam's friend, Steven," Andrew said as he paced about the room.
"Ok, let's bounce around some ideas. Maybe good cop, bad cop scenario. What do you think?"
"Let's play it by ear and maybe we can get the truth out of the little weasel," commented Andrew.

- P4H

Mark jumped up from his chair and slapped Andrew on the back, "I've got it. Don't question Jason today. I have a plan that is much better."
Andrew gave him a questioning look and slapped him on the back of the head, "Remember, I am still your superior officer and slapping me on the back is a little too familiar of a gesture. Okay, what's your big plan? Let's hear it and I will decide if it's all that great."
"Sam needs a couple of days to bury his friend and get some rest then we call him and ask him to bring Jason's sister here for a visit. We can't let him know you suspect Jason is the one who killed Steven until we can talk to him face-to-face. When you question Jason in a few minutes just ask him about the welfare of his sister so that he knows you know he told Lt. Henson he was going to see his sister and that was the reason for the pass then when you bring his sister here for the visit we will spring it on him and he will be flustered that you know that he didn't go see his sister......Mark drew a deep breath.....His sister will probably hug his neck and fawn all over him saying how she missed him and was glad to see him. That will be the way to trap him. What do you think?" Mark said excitedly as he drew another deep breath.
Andrew stood silent watching Mark and then let out a laugh that could probably be heard in the outer office. "That is a pretty good plan. I thought you were never going to breathe you were so excited about your plan. It could work and then he will be cornered. It will be great to have Sam here to witness it, too. I knew I could count on you to come up with a plan. Good job, friend."
The two men smiled at each other and Andrew sat down to compose and email to Sam asking him to bring Jason's sister to the base. Of course, he needed to take a few days to bury Steven and get some rest so they would see him by the end of the week, if that would work out for him. They also had a couple of surprises for him when he arrives. "Mark, we can give Sam the new plane and his friend's murderer all in a matter of minutes. This is going to work out great for all of us."

- P4H

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