Saturday, January 1, 2011

Are They Ready For This?

On the Ranch

Shade had just walked in the door, and Maddie was hanging up the phone. "Hi honey." Shade said as Maddie reached out her hand to him.
"I'm so glad you're home. The GF Farmers and Ranchers Association came by earlier." She said.
"I know. When I got to the feed...."
The phone rang interupting him, and he reached to pick it up.

“Shade, it me Renee, listen we are heading out to your location and will be in the area soon. Real soon”

“Great, why didn’t you…”

“Shade, listen to me. We are flying in a plane and the GF military is after us. We plan to parachute down around the Kenton area. Can you or someone be there to pick us up?”

“Sure, are you all in trouble?”

“Don’t know, please be there or someone” We planned to jump over the Ranch but thought against it.”

“Shade do you ….” The phone went dead

"Renee!! Renee!!!" Shade slammed the phone down.
"What's going on?" Maddie asked.
"That was Renee. She said the GF Air Force was after them. They are planning on parachuting around Kenton." He quickly explained. "Nathan!!!"
"We have to go. Renee just called and they need our help. We have to get to Kenton fast. Go start one of the cars and pull around front while I grab a couple of guns."
Nathan took off for the barn. Trevor and Zoe hadn't made it back yet so he jumped into Trevor's SUV. He started the engine and backed out of the barn and pulled in front of the house. Shade stepped off the porch as Nathan threw the seat back, got out and ran around to the passanger side and got in. Shade jumped into the open drivers side door, and threw the car in gear throwing dirt and gravel as he sped away from the house. He set course across open pasture, having accelerated to over 80 mph before Nathan could fasten his seatbelt. "Where's the fire?" He asked his uncle.
Shade handed him a 9mm and explained what Renee had said. Nathan didn't like it that his uncle took his eyes off where he was going while he explained.
"The GF Air Force?!!?" Nathan half shouted. "What'd they do? Rob a bank?"
Shade frowned at Nathan.
"Watch where you're going!!!" Nathan shouted.
Shade grinned and then turned his attention to driving.
After several minutes, Nathan heard Shade yell, "Get out the binoculars and see if you can see a plane."
Nathan opened the glove box and grabbed a small pair of binoculars and began scanning the sky.
Shade jumped the SUV over a ditch, and Nathan felt the lenses jab into his eye sockets. "Take it easy!!" He shouted.
Shade ignored his protest. "Do you see anything?"
Shade pressed down on the accelerator and the Range Rover growled a response, surging forward.
Nathan dropped the binocs long enought to glance at the speedometer, and then wished he hadn't. Over 85mph, and gaining speed. He saw another irrigation ditch coming up and braced himself.
"Relax your knees." Was all the warning Shade gave as the Rover hit the berm. Up and over the ditch they flew, landing roughly. The Rover bounced for several feet before the tires grabbed traction and they continued across pastureland.
"Do you see them?" Shade yelled.
Nathan raised the binocs again and scanned the sky. "There!!! About 2:00"
"How far out?"
"A couple or three miles I'm guessing. Maybe as much as five." Nathan shouted.
"Take the wheel." Shade said as he grabbed the binoculars.
Nathan yelped, and grabbed the wheel.
Shade quickly focused the binoculars and saw the plane flying low. Tossing the binoculars at Nathan he grabbed the wheel. "About four or five miles out." Shade slammed on the brakes. Nathan grabbed the dashboard and then slammed back into the seat as the SUV slid to a sudden stop. Shade grabbed the binoculars and brought the plane back into focus.
Nathan looked at the clock on the dashboard. The harrowing drive had taken them a little over twenty minutes.

- Zags

Kenton, Oklahoma

Shade saw the explosion from the plane hitting the ground. "NO!!!"
Nathan stood with his mouth hanging open, as he saw the fireball shoot up in the air. Two military aircraft flew overhead their engines screaming, and drowing out Shade's shouted protest. The planes disappeared, ans Nathan looked toward the sky to offer a prayer. It was then that he saw the parachutes. Three of them. He grabbed Shade's arm. "LOOK!!!!"

Renee hit the ground hard, falling forward, and rolling for several feet. She could feel the cords of the parachute tangling around her legs as she rolled into the chute. By the time she stopped rolling she couldn't move. She lay on the ground unable to move. Actually she didn't care if she ever moved again. She was heartsick over the loss of Terry. She began to sob. She was crying so loudly she didn't hear the car skid to a stop.

She let out a scream when she felt someone grab her. She realized that it must be her brother or Becca, and began trying to help untangle herself from the parachute.
She heard the chute rip and squinted her eyes against the glare of the late afternoon sun.
"Are you ok?" She heard. "Is anything broken?" She felt hands run over her legs and arms. Turning her head she saw Nathan. 'Oh no.' She thought. Of all the people to see her like this... the thought went out of her head when he looked in her eyes.
"Are you ok?" He asked again.
She nodded, and began trying to unbucle the harness of the chute. Clumsily she unbuckled it and shrugged it off her shoulders. She could hear Becca and Ryan talking to somebody explaining about Terry. She glanced over and saw Shade helping the sobbing Becca to her feet.
Finally free of the harness Renee took the hand that Nathan offered, and stood up. She took a step to go to Becca and tripped over a cord that was around her ankles. Nathan caught her, and again she found herself staring into his eyes.
"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked.
"Yes. I'm fine." She said stepping back. She kicked her feet loose from the cord, and began walking over to Becca. She though she saw the ground shift beneath her, and shook her head. It was then with horror that she realized she was about to faint.

- Zags

Kenton, Oklahoma

Nathan saw Renee go down, and rushed over to her. "Hey! Are you alright?" He rolled her over.
"I think she fainted." Ryan said. He rushed over to his sister. "Renee!!"
"Pick her up, and gather those chutes." Shade ordered. He was watching the sky. He could see the small dots on the horizon and knew the GF Airforce was coming back for a pass over the wrecked plane.
Nathan scooped Renee up and Shade grabbed her chute. Becca and Ryan grabbed theirs and had no sooner gotten in the Rover when the planes banked around to head toward the crash site.
The planes screamed overhead and the SUV shook with the force of the wind they left in their wake.
"Let's go home." Shade said.
Nathan looked at the girl in his arms. Her face was streaked with dirt, she had scratches on her nose, chin and cheeks and she had dark circles under her eyes, but she was without a doubt the prettiest girl Nathan had ever seen.

- Zags

Oklahoma City

The serpant had waited until the right moment. Sliding through the grass it made it's way toward the woman. Climbing it's way up a tree until he was eye level with the woman, he waited until she noticed him.

1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”
2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’”
4 Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.

HA!! Lucifer laughed aloud. It had been done. It had been so easy. The man that Jehovah had created had sinned. He could no longer stand before Jehovah. His Holiness would kill the man and woman. The man and woman, yes the world itself reeked with the contamination of sin. It now belonged to him. He had abducted all of mankind, with one lie.

She woke, her eyes searching the room. She could still hear the echo of Lucifers triumphant laugh. Realizing that the laugh was a remnant from her dream she began to relax. Her eyes were drifting closed when she saw the shadow on the wall. It seemed to be moving. She leaned up on her elbow and looked closly at the wall. It looked as if a snake was slithering up the wall. With a gasp she jumped out of bed and ran into the hallway slamming the door behind her.
Panting for breath she half screamed when she felt someone touch her arm.
"Shh. It's just me."
Seeing Skunk's face in dim light she threw herself into his arms.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"Nightmare." She answered, trembling in his arms.
He gave her a squeeze.
After a few minutes her heart had calmed and she stepped back.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asked in a whisper.
"No. But thanks." She gave a small smile. "I'm going to make a cup of tea." She headed for the stairs. "You want one?"
Letting out a big yawn, he shook his head. "Raincheck?"
She nodded and headed downstairs.

- Zags

Between Bartlesville and Tusla Oklahoma

Kristen was softly snoring as Matt drove. Bartlesville had been an inhospitable city. Each time Kristen approached someone and began to give her testimony hackles would rise. You could feel the anger and hatred in the air. The few who had tried to quiet those who were hostile had been immediately turned on. Fights had broken out and Kristen had looked on with shock. Matt had quickly gotten her to the car and quickly driven away form the mob.
They had tried in several places in the city with the same results. Most people in Bartlesville had chosen to believe the lie.
Kristen had tried her best and Matt had seen the disappointment and despair in her eyes with each rejection. "Please, listen." Kristen had cried with tears rolling down her face as people booed and shouted at her.
"Shut up!!! We don't need your kind here!!!! You have got to be the ugliest girl I've ever seen!!! You look like a monster with all those scars on your face!!!" They had shouted at her.
It wasn't the insults that bothered Kristen so much, It had been the outright rejection of the gospel. Matt had started toward a young man who shouted a profanity laced insult in Kristen's face, but she had put out her hand to stop him. "I forgive you." She had whispered softly. She had then turned and walked to the car. Matt had glared at the man and then followed Kristen. The crowd had erupted into cheers, and Kristen had burst into tears. Matt had driven a few blocks away and then pulled the car over. Kristen had buried her head in his shoulder as she wept for the lost people of Bartlesville.
"Matthew 10:14 says
14 And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet." Matt had told her quietly.
Kristen had nodded, "I know. But still. Those people are chosing hell. They don't understand what they are doing."
"Kristen, we'll pray that their hearts will be softened. God is the only one who can do that. You told them who His son is and what He did for them. That's all you can do."
Finally cried out, Kristen had leaned back in her seat.
"Do you want to head to Tulsa?" Matt asked.
"Yeah. Pray that the people will have ears to hear."

- Zags

MacAlester, Oklahoma

Leon was sober. He had spent the day fending off sexual advances and offers to get high. He was finished with that he told himself. But it was hard. He could smell the smoke off a crack pipe, and his body was trembling with the need for a fix.
He had stayed sober while he was with Belle and it had been easy. So why was it so hard now?
Sitting in a chair staring out a window he thought about what he had seen in the bathroom. Had they been real? Had he hallucinated the whole thing? He thought he had been sober at the time, but maybe he had still been high. Since sobering up he had neither heard or seen the creatures. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to know if they were real or a figment of his imagination.
He heard the TV mention the progress made in Oklahoma City with the clean up from the tornado and briefly thought about heading up there to check on Belle, then decided against it. Belle was probably angry with him for leaving in the first place, and second she was with people like her. Good people, not losers like himself.
Someone offered him the crack pipe again. Shaking his head, he saw whoever it was walk away.
The TV switched to news from Israel. Leon turned and saw that the camera was focused on the two witnesses. But what caught his full attention was the almost completed temple on the background. How could they have gotten it built so fast? Then he remembered Belle saying somehing about how the Jewish people had been waiting and preparing for the day that they would be able to rebuild the temple. They had spent years gathering the materials and had even started to build it in small sections so that all they had to do was move it to the Temple Mount.
The news changed to the economy and Leon turned back to the window. He stared out the window and thought of Belle. He missed her. She had been nothing but kind to him and how had he repaid that kindness, he had run when she needed him. He wanted to go back and ask her to forgive him and let him stay with her and her new friends. He was such a loser.
Someone offered him the crack pipe again and after looking at it for a long time he reached out and took it. He grabbed the offered lighter and with a shaking hand lifted the pipe to his lips. He was a loser, and losers didn't deserve forgiveness.
- Zags

“Gentlemen, some of you know me most don’t, my name is Ken St. John, I was a Vice Admiral with the US. Navy. Why we are here and what happened I feel is our first course of action to decide. Each one of you here in this group lost their command due to battle with the new Global Family forces.
Some of the commands here lost men the first night others due to crew members wanting to and buying into this Global BS. This force is not a one country force, we have ships from all around the world, the reason we have joined forces is because we feel that each country should be independent of one other. This time last year, many here would have sunk the guy setting next to you but now because someone has decided that we should be one big happy family we are having to join and put of differences aside until we either win or die.” Ken looked over the group then continued.
“There are many stories floating around how this happened, I encourage each one of you to speak up and give us your thoughts. If you have any evidences to back up your claim that show it. We can’t rule out one theory over other unless you show us good hard facts. And I will shoot down the idea right now that Flying Saucers took all those people for the simple fact; no one has produced any facts. So what are you all thinking?”

Ho Son from South Korea raised his hand and stated that he heard it was biological warfare.

“OK that is one avenue we can look at but where are all the bodies, and how come only certain people were killed or taken?”

Ben raised his hand and waited.
“You sir, please state your name and what command you are from.”

“My name is Benjamin Shmona I was on the Israel submarine Samuel of Ramah. We lost one man onboard our sub while we were submerged that day. Upon searching for this young man our former Captain found letters that opened up our Jews eyes and what we feel happened and what will happen in the near future.” Ben stopped and waited for a rebuttal but when it didn’t come he continued.
Pulling out a hand full of the letters Ben asked if he could come forward to address the group. Ken waved him forward then sat down. Ben was not sure how he would start or speak but he felt as if the Lord would help.
Ben read each date and letter. When he was complete he let each member look and examine the letters after which he sat down.

“Hog wash, I have been a Catholic all my life why am I not gone” one of the members stated.

“I don’t know but everything so far matches up with these letters and I have read the bible as a reference. I truly believe that soon God will open his wrath up more and what we are planning now, what the world is planning now is a battle that will kill one third of the living things on this earth.” Ben replied
Ken St. John stopped everyone then told them this was just one idea. He asked if anyone else had any other ideas before they proceeded.
“I think it is the Golden Six group that started this and it is their intent to control the world wealth using the Global Force.” Jon Bollen, Captain of a former French ship stated.
“And who is or are the Golden Six?” Ken asked
“There is group of men around the world that has for years maneuvered the banks so they could control us.”
Do you have names of these six men?” Ken asked
“No, no one does, they operate under a secrete code and identities.”
“Well without any proof I would say I doubt six men could control the world militaries. Anyone else have an idea?”
No one else said a thing but any didn’t want to believe Ben’s story.
“Let’s take a break, I want to get with the other groups and find out what they came up with. Once we get some ideas going we will focus on those ideas until we have the top two.”
As Ken walked away, Jack, Ben and Joe stood around talking, a few other men came up and started asking questions. Ben tried to answer some of them but still new to the bible he told them that he would have to pray then study some more.

- Alex

When a small fleet of naval vessels enter port, most places open up their doors with a smile hoping to make some extra cash. In Japan where the Global Force Naval force was building just North of the islands, the merchants opened at first but soon tried to close and look their doors. That had no effect, windows were busted, and doors broken off their hinges, Bars were kept open 24/7. Crime rate shot up 200% as sailors from all over the world filled with a new evil, a feeling of joy and power descended upon the many small towns and cities along the coastline. Local women and men both were beaten, raped and killed as evil under a new name Global family spread like a fog across the islands. Town leaders, area leaders tried as they may to stop or slow down the wickedness but soon they too gave in. Young girls as old as 6 and 7 were sold to the highest bidder, young boys were killed on the spot if they refused to give into the growing lust. Older people were shot just for target practice. A whole village was sent out in rafts and boats in the area waters where they were blasted by big deck guns or targets for air crafts dropping their bombs. Evil under the name Global Family was here.
- Alex

Andrew Carter sat at his desk reading his latest orders and thought his commander had lost his mind. He was to search the gun permit registry and target those that might be hold outs from joining the GF then when he finished that task he would have to do the same with those who had pilot licenses. He shook his head and gave a heavy sigh, the data base was quickly scanning through the various state regristries and pulling up names and addresses then flagging those that were a potential threat to the GF, but he would need to rerun the names to seperate those that disappeared months ago and were no longer thought to be a threat. So far, the longest list were those registered in Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, and most every state in the south. Just like the commander had said, "Rednecks with their guns and religion." Yet, he noticed the amount of those with gun permits that would be considered the biggest enemy, the Christians, had decreased dramatically. There was a connection between the disappearances and those who were listed as Christians which told him his wife was right and the rapture was the reason for the disappearances. He put that thought aside and continued searching the data base. The south certainly was by far the place that had the largest concentration of individuals holding gun permits. Of course, he also knew criminals didn't register their guns and they would have no way of finding out how many others were out there carrying weapons. He had seen the report that had been put into circulation shortly after the last election detailing a list of potential threats to national security and had been shocked to see the list was targeting Christians. The government had decided to closely watch Christians and had labeled them as "intolerant to change". What kind of change was his own government thinking of making and why target Christians? If you were a gun owner and a Christian, you would be placed into a seperate category. What had started to happen before the rapture was going to be the beginning of change that would reshape the country that was supposed to be the "land of the free". He kept reading the report and realized freedoms were being struck from the record months before the disappearances. New laws and changes to the constitution were being rewritten just weeks after the new President had taken the oath. He kept reading and knew there was going to be a change put into place that would cause the country he loved and had served for twenty years to be unrecognizable. He would need to go back and read the letters his mother had left him.

- P4H

At 13:45 local time, 473 ships, carriers, destroyers, frigates, submarines and many other types of naval vessels pulled away from the main GF battle group. Their course, southeast, their mission, attack and destroy the terrorist naval force located at the southern tip of South America before the southern hemisphere winter set in. The remaining 465 ships would depart one week later and head southeast to the panama cannel, once through they would steam south and attack any remaining forces that might have slipped away from the main battle.
- Alex

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