Sunday, January 2, 2011

Are They Ready For This?

Jerome was struggling to stay undercover due to the plague of the water turning into blood created by the Two Witnesses. Since none of the water he had was turning into blood, he would grab waters from others that were already blood and keep one on his desk. If Teodor happened to walk out of his office past Jerome's desk, Jerome would quickly look disgusted at his bottle of water and throw it into the trash.

In fact, that was happening right now. Teodor walked out of his office, again ranting and raving about the bloody water. Jerome put on his act and threw the bottle away. Teodor looked over and said "This is disgusting and horribly wrong Jerome. Those two idiots at the Wailing Wall need to be killed; I will not stand for this!"

Everyone in the area turned to look at the Potentate after he yelled his last sentence. His face was red and full of anger, and people shrank back into their cubicles due to the fire burning in his eyes. Teodor, realizing he was allowing his true nature to sneak out, took some deep breaths and reeled his fury back in. "Do not worry everyone. This will be taken care of. For now, try to drink soda or juice; that does not seem to be affected by the plague, as I have been forced to drink such beverages which I do not care for." His small, plastered smile was on his face. "You are safe here in New Babylon. I promise to take care of every such disturbance and make sure it never occurs again." Jerome looked around; the expressions on everyone's faces where those of relief and happiness. It was shocking how easily Teodor could influence and control them.

- Katy

On the streets of Mosul, Iraq

Blood! Blood??? All the water everywhere she looked was blood red. Am I still in a horror movie or what? Aini’s thoughts screamed to herself. Get me out of here! I want out of this dream now. But nothing happened. The water was still blood red and everywhere Aini went she met bewildered, frantic people each screaming different things.

“Oh God, is there no fresh water to be found,” moaned a frantic woman clutching an infant tightly against her breast.
“What’s going on? Have I lost my senses?”
“I’ll die of thirst. Oh for water,” an elderly gentleman groaned.
“He looks happy, he must have water secreted somewhere and he won’t share with us,” suggested a large teenager as he roughly accosted a peasant farmer.

“Let’s get him and take his water,” another voice screamed. Instantly a pushing throng of people clustered around the unfortunate victim. With shouts and animal cries they beat him severely. Aini turned and ran as horror seized hold of her. “What’s going on here,” she bleated. Her head swam and she felt faint from lack of water. Suddenly, a frantic craving filled her body. She turned and ran for the nearest well. Seizing a dipper, she proceeded to drink the blood in noisy gulps. It tasted awful and her stomach began to flop. Aini gagged, spit back up all the blood, and soon lay beside the well too delirious from the heat of the summer sun to move.

- Katy

Md and Amy had just finished there morning prayer and bible study time together. It was then that the reality of their situation really started to sink in. With the increased violence in the world, the presence of the two witnesses and 144,000. With the current crisis of the water turning to blood in certain areas of the world. The focus on just making it from day to day has now become such a dismal reality that both MD and Amy have their heads spinning at the gravity of the situation that this world is now expieriencing. Only to understand that times will become increasingly more difficult. Knowing that plagues of unimaginable proportion are headed their way. From this vantage point, the end of the seven year tribulation period and the return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords seems to be a lifetime away. But still with ther mere prospect of knowing that they may not make it unto end of this dreaded time, death is still a welcome thought within them, knowing without a shadow of a doubt as to what lay's await for them on the other side. Heaven has presented itself as a place that we can not possibly fathem, a place of such beauty and majesty, was garaunteed to these two people just by a simple acceptance of a gift given by the creator himself. Its almost uncomprehesible that God would come to this earth and give his life that we may live. But as we know full well, it is true. We certainly accept the validity of scripture when we look around and not only see the wonderful blessings that God has bestowed upon us, but we also understand the severity of the situation that we have found ourselves in. This is a situation where at this point in history, 2/3 of the population WILL DIE. Its not because our Creator doesnt love us, its because we have rejected His wonderful gift of salvation. Its because we couldn't accept the mystery of an Almighty Saviour giving it to us for free. Md and Amy, overcome by the reality of a 7 year tribulation and all the horror that it has to offer, only begin to realize that time is so short and of the essence that the message of Gods word has to be the forefront of every thought, every action and every motivation, because simply put.... BECAUSE WE ARE OUT OF TIME....... Prepare ye, the way of the Lord...
- mdulik

After receiving the drawing from the people at the shop, Ben took it to Admiral St John.

“Impressive drawing, will it work?” Ken asked
“The designer says it will but he needs to come onboard and check out our systems” Ben replied
“No. That is not going to happen, as much as I’d like to see something like this; I can’t allow a stranger onboard”
“Understand sir, just passing alone the information, maybe we could send one ship to them? Let the designer build and test it. “
“Maybe, I’ll think about it.”

“Thank you sir… Sir you know we only have a bit longer to go before it really gets bad”
“Worse? If we don’t do some soon, they will find our cold bodies on these cold decks.”
“Sir the cold will be the least of your worries, this world is in store for some unbelievable times and it will happen very soon.”
“Ben, if you want to believe your bible that is fine, but let me run this fleet.” Ken replied
“Sir you have but a very short time to decide who you will follow. It could be tonight. Tomorrow, next week or next year but trust me sir, I day soon we will all stand before the King of Kings and he will judges us.”
Ken started to shake his head “Ben I hope to retire in a few years, all this stuff going on will blow over like it always does and we will get back to normal.”
“No sir you’re wrong, this is the end. No more”
“Leave my stateroom I’ve heard enough”

- Alex

The night sky was very dark tonight, Joe thought while standing on the conning tower wing looking out over the ocean, normally they would see billions of stars or even the moon but tonight not one light, nor one sparkle twinkled.
Something just didn’t feel good, Joe couldn’t pin point it but something was spooky to say the least. He had seen nights like this before but somewhere a light had shined even if it was a small fishing boat or maybe the reflecting off the sub it self.

“Con to Radar, give me two swipes please” Joe asked in the radio
“Aye sir, stand by”

Maybe it was because he was finally the Skipper or possibility that it was because this was a different sub then the Samuel of Ramah. Being that it was their third night out since leaving the Bright Star Fleet, plus the fact he left Ben and Jack back there. Joe rubbed his face and thought of their mission. Only he and Major Glen Ward knew onboard what their mission was. Neither the five naval seals nor any of the crew had any idea. As they got closer to their destination Joe would let more crew members know if the need was there.

“Radar to con, no contacts out to 500 miles sir”
“Very well”

- Alex

John looked at his watch before dialing his cell phone.
Four times it rung before it answered.

“Hello” a sleepy voice was heard

John lowered his voice to play his part better and hopefully throw off anyone listening that it was him. “Yes sir this is the Hudson Bay Travel Agency and we are asking our past customers if they would like to win a trip.”

“What, who is….” The voice realized who was talking then quickly shut up”

“Sir you have been a very good customer and we have a special going on right now. Would you be interested?”

The voice was more awake now and shown some excitement. “Yes, yes I would be, why I was just telling my friend that he and I should get away. How much will it cost all together for everything”

John was eager to raise his price but decided against it for fear of chasing this person off. “Well sir the best time to travel is very, very soon but I am almost positive for 2.5 million you can get a front row seat.”

“Hmm that is a little steep but I will tell you what, I will pay you half up front and if my friend likes it, I will send the rest. Now where are we going and where do I send this money?’

John announced the vacation destination then gave an address before hanging up the phone. This time tomorrow he would be a millionaire, he thought.

- Alex

The next morning, if the local news had not been over ran with stories of people dying and buildings blowing up they might have placed the following new bulletin on the front page.
“Hudson Bay Travel Agency Building blew up this morning. One person confirmed died. Victims name was a John Anderson”

- Alex

Lena Arygros was nervous. Something just didn't feel right, and God's spirit seemed to be warning her of something dangerous...she just didn't know what.

She decided to ask Teodor to come over to talk about it. She wouldn't mention anything about God or Christ since she knew Teodor was not a believer and didn't take kindly to those who were, but she needed some advice, and her son always treated her well.

*knock*knock* Teodor opened the door and smiled at his mother, quietly closing it behind him. Lena walked over to her son and gave him a loving hug. "Hello Teodor, thank you for coming over." She backed up a bit and took his hands in hers. "I've missed you."

Teodor squeezed them gently and let go of her hands. "I've missed you too mother. I have just been so busy lately due to this latest crisis with the water turning into blood that I haven't had time to visit you." Teodor played his part well; he valued his mother as an important asset who made him look kind and loving, but he held no true love for her...perhaps a little respect for raising him so well, but that was the extent of his feelings toward her.

They sat down on a loveseat and Lena turned to Teodor, looking troubled. "Teodor, for some reason I've been feeling unsettled today. For some reason I feel like something bad is about to happen...and that I am in danger."

Teodor shook his head. "Mother, you are not in danger; you are well-protected by an arsenal of guards outside your door and down the hall. No one could possibly get past them without proper clearance, and if they tried...well, you know what would happen to them."

Lena still had a worried expression on her face. "I don't know Teodor...I feel a sense of foreboding, and I'm not sure why." She looked into his eyes with a look of fear. "Teodor, would you mind staying next door tonight and tomorrow night? That is, if you are not too busy...I just don't feel safe, but I know you would protect me if someone were to try and harm me." She looked down with a sad smile. "I know this is silly...but could you indulge your old and feeble mother?"

Teodor's mind was thinking. He figured he should acquiesce to her request in order to play his role as the "loving son", but it would take him away from his many duties. Ah well, it is more important to make sure my mother thinks I love her. Teodor smiled at her and turned her gaze to him. "Of course mother, I will certainly stay next door for the next few nights, just to make sure you are safe and feel comforted knowing that I am just a room away. Should anything dangerous occur by or inside your room, I will hear it immediately because I am a light sleeper." He stood up and gave her a hug. "You are safe, and I will never let anything happen to you."

- Katy

Steve sat quietly thinking of all the Rabbi had said and he picked up the Bible he had been given and began reading with a new hunger to understand and know God. He opened to Luke 1 and read verse 68 Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, For He has visited and redeemed His People, 69And has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of His servant David, 70 As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets, Who have been since the world began, 71 That we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us, 75 To perform the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember His holy covenant, 73 The oath which He swore to our father Abraham 74To grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear, 75In holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life.

He looked to the Rabbi to understand more. The Rabbi began to explain, "God promised to deliver the Israelites from their enemies both human and spiritual forces. God's actions were to reveal His commitment to love them faithfully and to fulfill his promises to their ancestors. Steve, there are three types of prophecy in the Bible, foretelling future events, foretelling the Word of God and praising God. Our task is to prepare people by informing them of their need to repent. We are to serve Him all the days of our lives and that means we must find every opportunity to reach those that are lost and without Christ. Like John the Baptist, we are to prepare the way for the return of Christ Jesus."
Steve asked the Rabbi, "Will you teach me more about Jesus? I know so little except what Claire told me. I realize my need for His salvation, but there is so much more to learn."
The Rabbi nodded his head yes, "We have Bible study each day and prayer. You are welcome to join us and I encourage you to do so. There was much I needed to learn about the Messiah, too. Together we will study God's word. Now come and have a bite to eat for you have been alone reading and praying and you need physical nourishment, too."
Steve felt different and was ready to begin a new journey as a follower of Jesus.

 - P4H

Captain Barlow stood on the Conning Towers as his sub slowly moved through the water near the Islands of Panama. Ships everywhere were anchored in different locations setting there rusting away.
Since the joining of all nations forces together, it seemed as if the life of all sailors vanished. No longer were men taking care of their ships. Heavy rust all alone the sides of these once beautiful vessels now looked like a fishing fleet. “Oh to be at war just once more, to give these men the drive they once seek.”

Tim Barlow sub was to pull alone the outside of a sub tender. The tender would resupply his boat with fresh food, fuel and mail. Wanting to get back out to sea, Tim was angry that his officers demanded that they stay at least 24 hours to give the men a break. Fights had already broken out on the sub and two were killed over a sex video. “Discipline is what they needed” Tim thought not a free night out but his officers said if he couldn’t prove why to stay out they would side with the crew and remove him.

The GF sub Theodor inched closer to her berth. “100 yards… 75 yards… 50” The Officer of the Deck (OOD) shouted out.
“Stay by to receive mooring lines”
A young sailor walked up to Captain Barlow, “Sir a message from TFG 57.”
“Thank you son” Tim said after saluting him and taking the piece of paper.

1. Proceed at full speed to area of choice. Target area -71.208300 x -54.187500
2. Report when complete
3. Good hunting

Tim read the message again.
“Receive all lines” the OOD shouted
“Belay that” Tim shouted, “All hand man your battle stations, Officer of the Deck make ready for sea.”
The men heard this then started to shout. Tim drew his pistol and fired one round hitting a young man on the bow. His body fell to the deck.
“Kick that trash overboard and the next one to raise their voice to me will get the same.” Tim barked as the sub slowly backed away from the tender.

- Alex

Jack, Ben and the rest of the crew of the HMS Holly formed a line from the hatches of the sub to the boats that lined the sub. They were taking off as much as possible so when they meet with the supply plane from the farm, they had room to store it. It would have been better to take a ship but at least this way they could lay below the surface and see who is dropping cargo, if any.

The plan was to depart the fleet at 06:00 be on station at the drop zone one hour before H hour (03:00) the next morning. This would give them time to listen and watch as anyone got close. If a GF ship or aircraft arrived they would lead it away from the fleet. If the emails were true then the plane would drop on site and after it left the sub would surface and retrieve the supplies.

At 18:00 Ben opened the door to the library for his meeting to find 45 men and women seated and waiting for him. After the opening prayer, 5 Men stood up and confessed their love for Jesus. Ben noticed that he was still losing a few but seemed to be gaining a few more.
Many were totally amazed at Ben’s testimony. They thought Jews hated Jesus, they thought that because they killed Jesus God turned his back on them and that is why God aloud men like Hitler. Ben read from the bible and touched many verses in the Gospels he then turned to Romans and read how Israel was still alive in Gods eyes.
At 22:30 just before the last prayer, 3 women and two more men gave their lives to Christ.

Ben got back to the HMS Holly feeling God hand at work. Before he climbed into his bunk, Ben thanked the Lord for allowing him to be used. Lord I don’t know what tomorrow will bring but I pray that you are happy with me today. Amen

Ben patted his pillow, laid his head down and had the best dream he could ever remember.

- Alex

The riverside in Mosul, Iraq

Fists pounded impatiently on the fishmonger’s front door. He hastily rose from his knees and stuffed his Bible underneath his mattress, then turned toward the door. When he was halfway to the door, it burst open and two swarthy men marched into the small room. The taller dark-haired man flashed his GF badge at Abdul.

“We are Global Family census takers representing Supreme Potentate Angyros. Your name, please?” the agent asked pulling a pad of paper out of his pocket.

“Abdul,” replied the fishmonger inwardly praying for strength.

“Age and how many in your household?”

“Thirty-seven, sir, and I live alone.”

“Do you swear allegiance to our Supreme Potentate Angyros?” queried the official.

“Well, who is Angyros, sir? The name doesn’t sound-“

“You will address him as the Supreme Potentate Angyros,” the official agent thundered.

“I’m sorry-“ Abdul stammered out but the agent cut him off.

“Shut up! Speak when you’re spoken to,” roared the agent, spittle dripping out of one corner of his mouth. The veins on his neck bulged and hardened. “This is your last chance. Do you or do you not pledge allegiance to the Supreme Potentate?”

“No sir, I do not,” spoke out Abdul bravely. The second agent stared at Abdul.

“Who do you pledge allegiance to then?”

“My Lord, Jesus Christ.” As Abdul spoke the name of Jesus both men turned and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind them. Abdul knelt on the floor breathing a silent prayer of relief. Outside in the street the two agents turned and stared at each other.

“Bah. Only sissies need religion,” sneered one.

“Well, make a note of the name and address on the clipboard. Then when the Potentate wants ‘em, he’s got ‘em,” grinned the other evilly.


“Contact bearing 332, 50 miles”
“Very well, plot a course let see if it worth getting worked up about” Joe said looking at the chart.
The first big contact the Wales had seen since leaving the fleet and it was just 50 miles away. Joe didn't like it but it gave the crew in radar some practice. Since the GF forces changed the location beams on the GPS tracking satellite, the navigation crew has had to do it the old fashion way, shooting the stars, sun and moon. Joe enjoyed it as did most of the men in the department; it gave them a fun task. Using the same instruments sailor of old wooden ships would use. The plot on the big chart had them roughly 600 miles northeast of Brazil.
“Contact bearing 332, range 49 miles on a heading of 005. Speed 10 knots. Contact now classified as Alpha 1”
“Conn copy” Josh stated as he drew a few lines on the chart.
“Present track and speed, we will be in range of fire in 42 minutes.”
“Understood… Contact Ben… I mean the Weapons Officer and let him know.” Joe answered looking at the chart.
Joe hit the radio button, “Sonar, let me know asap when you get a make on contact”
“Copy Conn, will do”

- Alex

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