Sunday, January 2, 2011

Are They Ready For This?

Emily let the tears escape her eyes as Julie sat with her in the cabin telling her that she and David would be leaving in the morning for Isreal. As her sobs escaped her, Julie realized that with Emily pregnant her emotions had already swung into full gear. Emily and Julie had joined paths way back at the beginning, right after the rapture. If it had'nt been for Julie coming along when she did, no telling what would have become of her. Julie had been like an older sister then and now as her best friend. "When will I see you again?" she sobbed. Julie hugged her close and just let her cry it out. "I promise, some how, with the Lord willing I will try to be with you when the baby arrives." Julie said. "You will? You promise? she asked Julie. "And we will talk every day and you will let me know how the baby is growing ok?" Emily still crying nodded her head afraid to speak in case she got hysterical. "The most important thing we need to talk about is you taking over the ladies morning bible study for me. I dont want to let them down as they continue to grow in the Lord and prepare to re-enter the world." And David and I would like you and Kevin to take over supervision of those working in the garden. David is talking to Kevin now.". Emily looked into Julies eyes. "You know I would do anything for you after all you have done for me. I owe my life to you." she told Julie. "No honey, it was Jesus who sought you out and he used me to guide you where he wanted you. Look what he has done for you. First Kevin and now the blessing of new life soon. You are a child of God and He loves you so much. No matter where I am you will always be in my heart until the day he calls us home. This is not goodbye. Remember our Lord tells us He is with us always. You will be in my prayers daily and my thoughts." Julie smiled at her. Emily finished wiping the tears from her eyes as she hugged Julie tight. "Who knows what the Lord has in store for Kevin and me. Maybe He will send us to Isreal too at a later date." she said. Maybe He will honey. Just pray about it and remember, you are going to be a Mommy soon. You will be very busy in the months ahead and very busy afterwords." she smiled at Emily.

Kevin and David opened the door to see their wives both crying. "Are we interupting you two?" David asked. "No, we are fine. Come on in and tell us what you both have been doing." Julie stated. "Well" David said. I think Kevin is going to be a great supervisor of the garden the Lord intrusted to us. With all the little plants he and Emily have around their cabin shows me they both have green thumbs." he laughed. "Yes, and I know Emily will do a great job with the ladies morning bible sturdy." Julie said.

David opened his laptop and pulled an e-mail out of his e-mail. "Julie would you proofread this request I'm sending to Amy at the machine shop. Our plane leaves tomorrow afternoon and I still dont know how we are getting to the airport. The roads are too scary these days and I was hoping they would come here again like they did for Rabbi." he said. Julie pulled up a seat in front of his laptop and began to read.

Dear Amy and MD and all our friends at the shop,

We know that this short notice, but we were wondering if their was a chance that you might have one of you pilots available tomorrow to come to the compound and give Julie and I a lift to the airport. We have been directed by the Lord to head for Isreal and link up with our old friend The Rabbi.

We are aware of whats been happening with Bills plane being shot down and Thank you Lord that he and Conner are safe. We do not wish to cause any problems by our request due to government issuing new regulations concerning planes in flight. If this is not possible, we understand and know that the Lord has already provided us with the transportation we need to the airport, He just hasnt informed us yet. Lol But we feel like it may be from you since it came to our minds.

Please respond ASAP, so we will know.
May God Bless you and Keep you safe during these times.
In His Love,
David and Julie

"Shall I press send David, or do you want the honors." she smiled. Before he could respond she had already pressed send.

- Renee

The phone on his desk rang and Andrew must have jumped a foot into the air. He was so deep in thought that the sudden sound of the phone ringing had startled him. Jason asked, "Sir, there is a 1st Lt. Mark Gibbs requesting a meeting with you. Are you available?"
Suddenly a light bulb moment struck Andrew and he excitedly replied, "Yes, Jason tell him I will receive him shortly."
He cleared his desk and locked the drawer. His computer screen was back to the main screen and he quickly rose to open the door to the lieutenant.
"Good afternoon, Mark. It is good to see you again," Andrew said shaking the young man's hand.
"It's been a while, but I'm glad to be serving you once again. I got my orders to be your personal pilot. I know how much you must be missing Claire and I so wish we had been able to meet once more before she was taken home," said Mark.
Tears formed in Andrew's eyes as he studied Mark, "Are you trying to tell me you know the truth and have accepted the belief Claire was bringing to you each time you met?"
A smile came to Mark's face, "Yes, I did accept the truth."
Andrew gave Mark a big bear hug. "I must tell you that I have been trying to remember your name for the last 24 hours because I was going to try to find you. It had to be a higher power that brought you to me. I want you to come to dinner tonight so we might catch up and freely discuss all that has happened."
Mark caught the caution in Andrew's voice and knew it might not be safe to discuss their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He had Claire to thank for asking to be forgiven and he had received Christ as his savior two days after the rapture. He would tell Andrew everything when they were in a more secure setting.
"I need to get a plane to someone that needs it to help survivors and you are just the one to help me accomplish it. I'm sure you are aware of the new directives since you are one of the top pilots in the GFAF. You and I are in a position to possibly lend a hand to those in need," Andrew said.
"I know just a way to get it done, but we will need to do it within the next 24 hours or the window of opportunity will be closed for a very long time. The move to Whiteman will be the perfect time and I know of the perfect aircraft. You can let your friends know that mission is accomplished," he told Andrew.
"Please arrange to come home with me and we will talk over dinner. I have a few things to clear up before I can leave. I can be ready...say about 0500," said Andrew.
"I'll be here," and with that Mark left Andrew alone.

Thank you, Lord......Andrew quietly said.

He logged onto his secure site and started his email.

I will have a plane in 24 hours and have secured an old friend that is a pilot for the GFAF. Things are looking up....we have new recruits.....will search out more in the future. Please know that God has once again put someone in my path to further the aid to those at the shop and their pilots.
All the praise must go to Him who protects all we do in His name.

God be with you,

He copied MD and Amy and pushed the send button satisfied that God's army was growing stronger by the day.

- P4H

The sound of hail outside crashing into the side of the building woke Amy from a dead sleep. Nervously, she nudged MD trying to wake him up. He didnt respond, so she nudged him a little harder. Growning, he rolled over on to his other side away from her. Shaking her head, "I dont know how that man can sleep through anything." BAM, BAM, BAM where the sounds coming from the roof as the softball sized hail slammed hard into the building. Amy started thinking about their bible study from the night before and how MD had described 100 pound hail coming down in one of the judgments. Just with the thought of that, fear ran deep into her heart. It was dark outside and she couldn't see the damage inflicted by the abnormal storm they were expiriencing now, let alone what it would be like when the judgments hit. "I've got to get my mind off of this" she thought to herself. So she got up from the bed and wandered into the kitchen to get herself a cup of tea. Then she decided that she should check her email. Looking at the clock it was 5:14am. "Hmph, I would have had to get up in an hour anyway" talking to herself out loud this time. Once the tea was finished steeping, she poured herself a nice warm cup and placed it next to her laptop. As she was still trying to get the cobwebs out of her head, she logged onto her email and sat straight up in her chair once she had seen in the subject line her most recent email. Quickly opening the email she read......

I will have a plane in 24 hours and have secured an old friend that is a pilot for the GFAF. Things are looking up....we have new recruits.....will search out more in the future. Please know that God has once again put someone in my path to further the aid to those at the shop and their pilots.
All the praise must go to Him who protects all we do in His name.

God be with you,

Wow, Thank You Lord for bringing us more help. Thank You, Jesus...
With a big grin across her face, she went to take a drink of her tea and spilled it right down the front of her night shirt. Chuckling to herself, "I'm glad MD didnt see that"

Opening the next email......

Dear Amy and MD and all our friends at the shop,

We know that this is short notice, but we were wondering if their was a chance that you might have one of you pilots available tomorrow to come to the compound and give Julie and I a lift to the airport. We have been directed by the Lord to head for Isreal and link up with our old friend The Rabbi.

We are aware of whats been happening with Bills plane being shot down and Thank you Lord that he and Conner are safe. We do not wish to cause any problems by our request due to government issuing new regulations concerning planes in flight. If this is not possible, we understand and know that the Lord has already provided us with the transportation we need to the airport, He just hasnt informed us yet. Lol But we feel like it may be from you since it came to our minds.

Please respond ASAP, so we will know.
May God Bless you and Keep you safe during these times.
In His Love,
David and Julie

Wow, its amazing how this is all coming together, thinking out loud again. Amy, immediatly hit the reply button.....

David and Julie,
Although Bill is still out of commision for the lack of a plane, I just recieved word that there is another pilot available. I am sending this email to him as well. Hopefully things can work out and he may be able to assist you in your need. I'm sorry I cant send Bill just yet, as you understand. But we know the Lord will provide in his timing.

In Christ,
Amy and the boys at the shop.

"Dear Lord,
I pray that you can arrange for our newest pilot Mark to be available to assist David and Julie with their flight needs to Isreal. I pray Lord that your blessing is upon this mission. In Jesus name, Amen."

"Ok, its in Gods hands now." said Amy as she was still smiling about how this is all coming together. "Ok, on to the next email"

Brothers and sisters of the cross,
We have received your message with praise and look forward to a Pentecost reunion. Many here have walked the road to Damascus and now have our eyes open. Like Galatians, we look forward to your letters.

"Hmmmm, this one is interesting. It looks to be from the rogue navy fleet down by South America. I need to think this one over for a minute..."

Ok, here it goes..

I am glad to recieve your response. I am even happier that your eyes have been opened, so if you can answer 1 question for me, pending your reply. I will move your future coorispondance to our secure site where we can maintain secure dialogue. The question is this..... David picked up 5 stones. He used 1 for Goliath. What did he do with the other 4?

Waiting your reply,
Amy and the boys at the shop.

BAM,, and the sound of shattered glass, brought Amy back to reality as she knew the storm outside didnt give any signs of letting up anytime soon.

- mdulik

Kenny looked at his watch.

He was waiting at the train station. He was going to travel to Catherine’s house, and he was already late. The train seemed to take a long time.

He was excited. It was the first time he would be at her house in six years. He would sleep for the night, and they would head for church in the morning. Catherine didn’t know it, but Kenny had somewhat of a crush on her. The way she would stare at him, she seemed to look longingly into his eyes as if she loved him.

He felt relieved when the train pulled up. He took a deep breath and stepped onto the train.

- Quinton

Jerome: " guys be quiet! Teodor can hear your praises of Christ and he's shaking with anger....*looks around**leans in* "Keep it up guys...its very funny to see Teodor all riled up."
Teodor: *down the hall, in office, behind the door* "Those stupid Christian writers! How DARE they glorify God, online no less! Now everyone thinks I'm some sort of evil dictator! *thinks for a moment* "Well, I suppose that's what I am, now that I think about it. But still! Jerome!"
Jerome: *pokes head into office* "Yes Potentate?"
Teodor: "Shut down that ATRFT abomination IMMEDIATELY"!
Jerome: "I'm sorry sir...they have a password, and I can't figure out what it is."
Teodor: *huffs* "Let me see it! *Goes over to computer, where Jerome pulls up the site* "What is THIS?!"
Jerome: "I know sir! The question is: "What is the only way to the son?" I have no idea!" *Jerome laughs inwardly--how easy this is!*
Teodor: "I want ALL of my best men on this!"
*4 hours later*
Jerome: "Sir...none of them have been able to figure out the password. They've tried everything, but it's too difficult."
Teodor: *throws desk chair across room*
Jerome: *hides smile behind hand and coughs to cover up his laughter* "What would you like me to do Mr. Potentate?"
Teodor: "LEAVE ME!"
Jerome: *leaves**closes door**fist pump* "Yes!" *he whispers* "Go God!"

- Katy

Julie and David woke early the next morning. David headed to the diningroom for morning prayers with Brother Aaron and breakfast while Julie stayed behind to check on e-mails. They both had hoped they would be on the evening flight to Jerusalem. Their plane was scheduled to depart from Los Angeles at 7pm that evening getting them into Isreal 11am in the morning local time and 3am Los angeles time. As Julie signed onto her computer Julie realized no matter how carefully they made their plans the Lord was still directing all the final arrangements. Opening her mailbox she saw that Amy had responded to her earlier that morning. Seeing the time of the response Julie figured Amy hadnt been able to sleep.

David and Julie,
Although Bill is still out of commision for the lack of a plane, I just recieved word that there is another pilot available. I am sending this email to him as well. Hopefully things can work out and he may be able to assist you in your need. I'm sorry I cant send Bill just yet, as you understand. But we know the Lord will provide in his timing.

In Christ,
Amy and the boys at the shop.

Julie bowed her head.

Lord, I know the plans you have for David and I, I just dont know the timing of all this. I pray that you will send us word soon from the new pilot and I pray that he knows you too. Be with us Lord as we begin a new life for you in Isreal. Thank you for your love and protection and all that you have done for all of us here at the compound. David and I will take all that we have learned and share it with those you put in our path as we travel were you lead. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Julie turned off the computer and left the cabin in search of David in the diningroom. She was ready now for her coffee and breakfast and to let David know that she had heard from Amy.
- Renee

Andrew and Mark had talked well into the night catching up on all the events of the last two years they hadn't seen each other. Mark told him he knew it was the rapture that had taken so many people in one moment and he fell on his knees and begged God to forgive him. Claire had prayed for Andrew and Mark to accept the truth and he was so thankful for all the times she had talked to him about Christ and read the scriptures to him. Andrew told him of the days he had mourned her disappearance and the evil that surrounded him until he finally gave in and asked Jesus to save him. They both cried and thanked God over and over that Claire had never given up on either one of them.
Andrew asked Mark to help him keep his Christian friends safe and to run interference for the two pilots. They made their plan to get the plane for Bill and decided at first light they would fly to the shop.
"Mark, I need to check my email to see if I've gotten a response from Amy or MD," Andrew said as he logged into his secured email. "Looks like we have a job to do tomorrow, if you are game."
"Sure. I can get the aircraft by dawn and we can be on our way before anyone knows we've gone," Mark answered.
"We need to take a couple to the airport to catch a flight to Israel, think you can handle that my friend?"
"Why not fly them to Israel instead of a commercial flight? It can be arranged easily. I have all the flight schedules in my laptop and can easily arrange a fake flight for us. One that requires top secret status."
"Perfect. Now let me send an email and then we need to get a few hours of shut eye," Andrew said.
"Ok, I'm outta here. I will meet you at the hanger, say 4:00 am?"
Andrew nodded his reply. They shook hands and Mark left. Andrew started his email to Jerome and Amy. He didn't want to leave anyone out of the loop and letting Jerome know would give him a heads up on their plan.

Jerome and Amy,
Plane secured. Will fly out by 5 am our time. Send coordinates to the compound. Let the party know we can take them all the way to Israel. Need to avoid commercial flights. May God be with us.

In Christ,

He sent the email and shut down his computer. He walked to his bedroom and prepared for a few hours sleep. He knelt beside his bed and prayed, "Heavenly Father, we ask that you guide us as we venture into unknown territory tomorrow. Please allow us to fly undetected and give Mark the ability to fool the GFAF. We praise You for all the many blessings we have already received. Thank You for sending Mark and Lord, I don't know Your perfect plan, but please allow us to aide all that have received You as their savior. Your will be done. And Lord, tell Claire I love her. Amen."

- P4H

On the Ranch

Matt pulled up in front of the house and saw his mom and dad step out onto the porch. He shut the SUV off and opened his door and got out. He took a moment to stretch and then reached out to hug Maddie who had hurried over to him. “Hi Mom.” He greeted her. Closing his eyes he held her close for a moment thanking God for giving him such a wonderful mother. When Maddie let him go he hugged his dad. “Hi dad.” Shade let go after a quick hug then held onto his upper arms and gave him a once over. “You look no worse for the wear. How was the trip?”
“Good. Some of the towns we went to were open to the gospel and some weren’t, but we knew that before we left.”
Shade nodded. He looked over Matt’s shoulder to see Maddie hugging Kristen close. “I take it Kristen is ok?”
“Yeah. I kept a close eye on her just like I promised. Dad I tried to talk her out of bringing Leon here, but she wouldn’t budge.”
“I know. I don’t really like the idea of him being here myself, but obviously the Lords hand is in this. We just need to trust Him.” Shade nodded.
“I know. Kristen quoted scripture about forgiveness and mercy to me before we left, and that’s all I could think about for the whole drive. In my heart I know that we are all sinners in need of forgiveness and that Jesus died for Leon as well as me, but I’m having a little trouble with getting my head around it.”
“I know what you mean. Everybody here is going to pray for the Lord to help us with it, and I suggest you do too.” Shade said quietly as Kristen approached him.
Matt gave a small smile as Kristen threw herself into Shade’s arms. “Hi!! It so good to be home with my family. I missed you.” She said exuberantly.
“We missed you too.” Shade said as tears filled his eyes. Oh how he loved this girl. She was like a daughter to him and his relief and gratitude that she had returned home safely was almost overwhelming.
Kristen let go. “Ok, we need to get Leon in the house and settled.”
“Actually Leon won’t be sleeping here at the main house. He and Trevor, Mo, Skunk and Raul will be sleeping at our old house.”
Kristen’s eyes began to narrow, and Shade quickly explained about the arrival of Renee, Becca, and Ryan. “The house is full to bursting and the little house is only a mile away across the pasture.” He went on to explain who would be bunking with who and where. “It’s the best we can do for now until we have to leave the ranch for Patterson’s.”
Kristen chewed her lip as she thought over what Shade had just told her. “Well I guess that’s ok for now.”
“Besides, Leon has a hissy every time he claps eyes on you.” Matt interjected.
Kristen turned and glared at Matt, but couldn’t denounce the truth of the statement.
Shade added his own glare at Matt, but Matt just waited to see what Kristen would say.
“You’re right.” Kristen said grudgingly. “But he will be allowed up at the main house, right?” She kept her narrowed eyes on Matt as she asked that question.
“When Trevor says he is mentally capable, Leon will be welcomed at the main house.” Shade answered.
“And when will that be?” Kristen turned and looked at Trevor who was shaking hands with Mo.
“I don’t know Kristen. Leon has problems. With Trevor and Belle helping him, and all of us praying for min, Leon could be up here in a few days. It’s really up to God and Leon.” Shade said as he watched Trevor get into one of the SUV’s to lead the new arrivals to the little house.

- Zags

Shannon had been busy all morning checking the different news agencies to see if there was any new proclamation the GF had put upon all its citizens. She noticed there was more and more violence happening all over the world and wondered how long it would take for the violence to turn toward Christians. Sam had told them Argyos had been behind Bill's plane being shot down and it might not be as safe for them to fly. Christina wasn't too happy to hear that and worried more than ever about Sam's safety. He had left to return Bill and Connor to the shop and she had gone to her favorite place to pray. The baby was very rowdy today and Shannon felt very uncomfortable sitting at the computer for any length of time. She decided maybe it was a good time to check on the garden so she stood up, stretched and walked outside to where the men were working.
"Hey, Momma-to-be, how are you this bright, sunny day?" Bud called to her.
She smiled at him replying, "I'm doing just fine. I was a little weary sitting at the computer so long and decided to supervise you gentlemen for a bit."
"Ahh, we're mighty glad to have you join us, but supervision should be left up to men folk," Bud laughed.
"Oh, yeah. Seems to me you all are doing more talking than working," Shannon answered.
"We have to have our gossip time, ya know. You women seem to enjoy your little chat time so we figured we needed one, too," Bud told her.
"Well, I think you need to do more work and less talking......
"Shannon, dear sweet child, it's the talkin' that keeps us workin' and if you would rather, we could start singin'," Bud roared with laughter.
"No, no, I can take the talking better than the singing unless Alexis is doing the singing," she smarted back to Bud.
Steven climbed down from the roof of the new shed and walked over to Shannon and placed his arm about her shoulders, "Don't let that old coot get you riled. He's just sorry he isn't off to some island with his new bride."
"Now that you say it, I didn't have much of a honeymoon. Who has a honeymoon with six other people hanging around?
"You do, that's who......Christina didn't have any time with Sam before he had to leave. This isn't like the good ole days, we are in extraordinary I think you had better get to work so we can get the next shipment ready," Shannon said.
Bud grew silent then looked over at Shannon with a puzzled look, "You didn't think I was serious did you, little girl? I know what times we're in, but we need some humor to get us through....sorry, didn't mean to sound ungrateful or nothing."
"No, Bud, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off like I was angry or's just I'm a little restless today. Baby seems to be telling me he's cramped or something," Shannon said.
Kerri walked over to his wife and gently took her hand, "Shannon, nothing is normal these days and YOU ARE expecting a baby so everyone understands when you get irritable."
"I'm NOT being irritable," she shot back at Kerri.
"Wow, what are we doing? We all must be on edge or tired because we don't usually snap at each other like this. Let's all step back for a second and take a deep breath. I am grateful for everything we have here and for all of you so if I said something out of turn to anyone, I humbly apologize," Kerri said.
"No, Kerri, it's me. I'm just not myself today. It's seeing how crazy our world is and bringing a baby into a world like this is just, well, it's overwhelming me at the moment."
Bud joined the couple, "Look, I'm a nut sometimes, but all of us care about each other. We love the Lord and we're making the best of what we have been given. We are safe for the moment, have food to eat, shelter, and our Savior watching over us so what more could we ask."
Steven nodded in agreement, "Bud, you hit the nail on the head. Let's take a break and just share a group hug."
They all gathered together and bowed their heads while Steven led in prayer, "Lord, please forgive us if we sometimes don't act grateful for the many blessings we've received. We ask for guidance in all that we do and most of all patience when we fall short of glorifying You. Please give Sam safety as he flies. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen."
Shannon hugged and gave each man a peck on the cheek. "I am going to take a nap and see if my mood doesn't improve. Thanks for being so good to me."
The men began working again while Shannon went inside to rest. She turned just before going inside and noticed they were all humming as they worked. She thought, "God is so amazing. He can take any situation and turn it into a blessing. Now, little guy, let's get a nap."

- P4H

Babylon, Iraq

Earl took a sip of water as he absent mindedly listened to the conversation between the two men standing next to him. They had arrived from the US a couple of weeks ago and it was nice to hear someone speaking English. He had also found out that they had been previously stationed in Boise City, Oklahoma building an Education Center at the old grade school. He had yet to introduce himself as they were GF Military and he was just a prisoner sentenced to hard labor so he just hung around and listened to them talk amongst themselves.
“I’m just glad to be away from all those guys who were always talking about the Bible and stuff.” One of them said.
“Yeah, me too. Bunch of Jesus freaks.” Both men laughed.
“You know I noticed on the way over here that not one of them was elected to come over here.”
“Yeah, I noticed that too. Do you think it’s a coincidence?”
“Who knows. I’m just glad they got left in Boise City. They can sit around and talk about Jesus all they want, and I don’t have to listen to it.”
Earl’s ears perked up at their conversation. He leaned in closer so he wouldn’t miss a word. He had heard rumors that the Christian’s were not loyal to Argryos and it was making the man very angry.
“So you think Director Keller is one of em?” One of the men asked.
“I doubt it. I mean he’s pretty high rank and I can’t see Argryos letting a fundie have that kind of position. Everyone knows their kind aren‘t really loyal to the GF.”
The two men noticed Earl leaned in listening to the conversation. “You got a problem bud?”
“No. It’s just nice to hear someone speaking English, that’s all.” Earl stated.
One of the men took notice of his prison uniform. “He’s a prisoner. Just ignore him.”
The other one looked closely at the uniform. “You on food and water restrictions?”
“Yeah.” Earl said hoping they would take pity on him and give him some extra water.
“Too bad.” One of them said as he hit Earl’s hand knocking his cup of water out of his hand. Both men began laughing uproariously as they high fived and walked away.
Earl watched his water as it was quickly soaked up in the desert sand as anger churned in his gut.
He needed to find out what those two guys names were. If they had a suspicion that this Director Keller wasn’t totally loyal to the GF the information could prove invaluable later on. Everyone knew that Argryos demanded loyalty from his people and if the two men were discovered having information that this Keller guy wasn’t loyal and kept their mouths shut, then Earl could have his revenge.

- Zags

A big smile appeared on Jerome's face as he read the email from Andrew. "You did it Lord," he whispered. It amazed him every day how God was able to put the pieces together in perfect harmony, especially since Jerome couldn't even predict what the next day would bring. The Lord had answered their prayers for a believer in the GFAF and a GF plane was available for the believers in Christ to use. "It will definitely buy them some time." He murmured. It was risky for Jerome to speak about God or even mention a word that could be overheard and misconstrued as sympathetic to the "rebel cause". Jerome was supposed to be Teodor's right-hand man, and he needed to play his part perfectly or....Jerome shuddered to think about what would happen if his true beliefs were revealed to Teodor. Of course Jerome knew he would only have until the mark began to become mandatory, but he needed to use his position to the best of his ability for as long as he could. God had put Jerome there for a reason, and he wanted God's plan to be implemented on earth.

Jerome prayed there would be no problems with the flight plans; if they failed to get their passengers to Israel due to GFAF suspicion, they would not only lose the precious lives of the believers on board but also their advantage of having a GF plane. Jerome would have to jump through many hoops to get them another plane should that occur, and the thought of another group of believers being blown out of the sky by unfeeling GFAF soldiers made his heart hurt.

Although there hadn't been any more reports of downed planes, Teodor still seemed to be in a fabulous mood. It was probably due to the fact that he finally felt he was in complete control and could do whatever he wanted without question. He believed the opposition had been terrified into silence by his mere presence along with the stricter rules he had put into place. The only thing that was still causing him trouble was the constant preaching of the Two Witnesses at the Wailing Wall. Teodor had temporarily stopped actively trying to kill them, but Jerome knew he was working on some sort of "master plan" to eliminate them. Whether or not this was the plan that would prove to be successful in the far future Jerome didn't know.

Jerome was also disgusted by Teodor's new "habit" of having women come in and out of his private quarters like clockwork. He knew Teodor had no feelings for any of them whatsoever and that he was behaving as he was simply because he could. He loved the worship of the women and the feeling of having complete control over them. Jerome also felt a little sorry for the women because he knew how lost they were, and each time he saw one leave he prayed for her soul to find Christ before it was too late.

Ever since he had started helping Andrew out, Jerome had wondered about the pockets of believers he was indirectly aiding. He really wanted to meet some of these people...but he knew no one would trust him very easily. Jerome was known by the world to be close to Teodor, the antichrist, so why would any Christian ever trust him? Even if Andrew, Amy, or MD assured everyone that Jerome was truly a believer in Christ, would that really convince them? Jerome sighed...he would never be able to be surrounded by believers, spending time in bible study and discussing what's coming next. No...Jerome would be all alone at GF headquarters, the only correspondence with believers being emails to Andrew. It was sad really, but Jerome knew God had a Master Plan, and he would not complain about his present circumstances because God had a purpose for Jerome being where he was, and it was a little selfish of Jerome to ask God why he couldn't be like the rest of them.

Even Frank, who he had contacted a few times, didn't trust him or know if he was a believer. And why should he trust Jerome?

Jerome closed his laptop and started on his daily paperwork. Might as well stay busy.

- Katy

Julie awoke and glanced over at the clock on the nightstand. Remembering what this day was to bring, she sat up and slid her feet into her slippers and padded off to the bathroom to shower careful not to wake David yet. When they had recieved the news last night about the new pilot flying them all the way to Isreal, they had both been thrilled. Flying on the commercial flights had become quite scary in the past few months for travelers. So many government officials coming in with all their new guidelines and rules.

Stepping into the shower she let the warm water bring her fully awake. She watched as the sun was now rising outside her little cabin bathroom window. She closed her eyes.

"Good Morning Lord. We are so blessed to have you on our side. Thank you so much for the surprise of flying to Isreal with the new pilot. I lift him up to you Lord, and ask that you would guide each of his steps as we travel today. Keep all of us safe and secure as we go where you are leading us. Be with Emily and Kevin today Lord. I know Emily is filled with hormones that are producing new life, be with her Lord and let her know we will all see each other again soon. Help them both Lord to step in for David and I and carry the mantel that you have placed on them. Be with each member of the compound Lord as they prepare to go out into the world again when the time is right. May they continue to grow in wisdom and knowledge. Thank you for the angels that you have kept here at the compound since the beginning. Their presence have kept us hidden from the rest of the world. I pray you will continue to bring those to the compound that need the safety and security from the outside. I pray Lord that you will send someone to help Brother Aaron. Lord I know you know all things but I'm just requesting because he is alone alot since The Rabbi left and seems to need some companionship. Thank you Lord for all your blessings. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."

Julie finished rinsing off and stepped out of the shower. Wrapping herself in her terry robe and slipping her slippers back on, she headed out to start waking David. He was not a morning person and she knew she would have to make a pot of coffee first. She hoped he would wake to the smell of it brewing like he always did even though they had stayed up very late.

- Renee

Andrew paced around the hanger waiting for Mark and praying he had put his trust in the right person. He had made sure Jason had plenty to keep him busy for the next 48 hours and left detailed instructions that he would be doing business that pertained to the move in a few days. He looked up, "Lord, we owe You everything for making this trip possible and for sending Mark to us. Please give us safety as we fly our fellow believers to Your beloved Israel. Guide us as we are about Your business and give our travelers added blessings for the job they will be undertaking in Your name. Lord, I understand Your plan is perfect and You know what that is, but it would be real helpful if You could somehow let me know if Mark is a true believer. Thank You for all you've given us. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen." He opened his eyes to see Mark smiling at him.
"Hey, are you praying for our trip? No, let me were asking God to verify that I am a legit believer. Am I right? Dude, you must believe me. I am now and until Jesus returns for us, a believer in Christ the son of the living God," Mark said.
"Mark.....I just can't afford for anyone to find me out right now. I can do the believers more good if I'm on the inside helping. Forgive me, ok?"
"Of course, I fully understand. I'm sure we will find others just like us in the army so until then, we must be careful until the time comes when we must hide like the rest of the believers. The plane is ready to go. It's one of the units tagged for retirement so I have arranged for this old bird to be taken to another destination. The flight plans have been filed and all the paperwork has been given to the tower. We are set to go," Mark replied.
"You are heaven sent. I have the coordinates for the compound on my laptop. We have two passengers Julie and David. I let everyone know we should arrive there before noon. Do you have refueling plans?" Andrew asked.
"You betcha. All the paperwork is legit and we should not encounter any difficulties. I convinced Commander Adams to clear the way and he complied without question. He and I became great buddies while I was in flight school plus he took a liking to me," Mark gave Andrew a wide grin.
The two men made their way to the aircraft just as the maintenance checks were being completed. Mark signed off on the check list. They boarded the plane and settled into the pilot and co-pilot's seats. Mark turned to Andrew, "Your license up to date?"
"Yes, took my physical two months ago and have the necessary clearance to fly this and any aircraft in the GFM. Remember, I am still your commanding officer," Andrew laughed.
Mark smiled back at Andrew and nodded agreement then slowly moved the aircraft from the hanger to the airstrip. He double checked all his gauges, received clearance from the tower, and it was off into the blue skies for one of the most important missions they had ever gone on in their careers.........a mission for their Lord and Savior.

- P4H

Bill just recieved word from Amy that sometime late this afternoon, Mark, Andrew, David and Julie would be landing at the strip about 10 miles north of the shop, sometime later this evening. Bill was overwhelmed by the fact that God had furnished him a new plane and he couldnt wait to get onboard and fly with everyone to Israel. Although after his last expierience in a plane, Connor was not as excited to make this trip. Even though it has been a couple of weeks, he is still shaken from the trama of being shot down over the open water. Bill would constantly offer words of encouragement, but Connor was slow to take the bait.

Doug, MD and Jerry finished loading the truck after Austin and BJ made the final touches to this set of orders. They would be heading to the airstirp in another hour or so. Amy figured that since the plane would be headed to Isreal, why not make it a delivery as well. She has contacts over there that are looking for water purifiers and HPEC food growing systems. Thinking to herself, " what an awesome opportunity to help Gods choosen people during this dangerous time on earth, especially when the day comes that the Jewish people will flee after the anti-christ finally reveals himself at the holy of holy's at the midpoint of the trib."

Once The truck was loaded and Amy finished the papwerwork. The boys left for the airstrip. BIll and Connor would be leaving soon as well.

- mdulik

Emily and Kevin sat with Julie and David in the cabin kitchen going over last minute details for their ministry at the compound. Emily was having a hard time concentrating anticipating Julie leaving sooner than she had thought. The plane was due in at 12 noon and it was already 11:30.

Julie finished cleaning up the coffee cups and turned to Emily. "You know the cabin is now yours and Kevins. Its a perfect location to the main building. You'll have a pulse on everything that takes place and Brother Aaron will visit you often to keep abreast of all that goes on. " she smiled at Emily trying to keep her tears in check. "Time will fly for you as you keep busy here. The baby will come faster than you think." Emily didnt have time to respond as David appeared at the door to let Julie know the plane was arriving and they should get their luggage and head for the airstrip.

"Are you going to come down to the plane and see us off?" she asked Emily. "I would rather say our goodbyes right here. The whole compound is going to be at the airstrip to see you go and I would rather stay here if you dont mind." " No, of course I dont mind honey. You know this isnt goodbye anyway, right? We will see each other again soon, if not here, than the best side of Heaven." she said as she pulled Emily into her arms and hugged her tight. The emotions were running rampid in Emily as she broke down and sobbed against Julies shoulder. Julie held her dear friend tight and just let her cry it out. "I'll call you as soon as we get to the Rabbis. Ok?" "You promise?" Emily choked. "I wont forget Em. We have been through a lot to get to this point and David and I are looking forward to being godparents soon." she smiled down at Emily. "ok then. You guys better get going before I have another downpour." Kevin walked in and grabbed David in a bear hug. They exchanged goodbyes and turned to the girls.
"We gotta hurry Hon. The plane has landed and Andrew and Mark are waiting for us. Brother Aaron is down there with everybody and they know we have more goodbyes to be said.

David and Julie glanced back one more time at their friends as they opened the door and stepped out into the noonday sun. Julie blew them a kiss as David helped her into the jeep and they headed down to the airstrip.

- Renee

On the Ranch

Zoe opened the door of the bedroom she now shared with Kristen and as quietly as she could entered the room. At dinner Kristen’s eyes had been heavy with fatigue and Zoe didn’t want to waken the exhausted girl.
Seeing Kristen sprawled out on her back, one arm thrown out to the side with the other stretched above her head made Zoe smile. She quietly shut the door and tiptoed over to her bed. Slipping off her shoes she stiffened when she saw Kristen shift in the dim light. Kristen’s face was now highlighted by the light of the moon and Zoe felt her heart turn over. She was surprised to note that she no longer saw the scars that marred the young girls face. All she saw now was Kristen.
She recalled how stilted the conversation had become at the dinner table when Kristen had begun asking Mo and Raul how Leon was doing. The two men had been unable to hide their dislike for Leon, and Kristen’s face had gone from radiant to displeasure in a flash. She had dressed both men down and then turned her angry eyes to everyone else at the table. “Does Leon not deserve the grace and mercy that Jesus has given everyone at this table?!” She had demanded hotly.
Ashamed, Zoe had lowered her eyes to her plate, her appetite gone. Kristen was right. Leon did deserve mercy and forgiveness.
Looking at Kristen sleeping Zoe felt tears fill her eyes. “Lord please give me a heart like Yours. Give me the ability to forgive and show mercy to all those lost souls out there. Thank You Lord for Kristen. Thank You for giving her the wisdom to point out my hardened heart towards Leon. Please forgive me. In Jesus name, Amen.”
Zoe reached out and gently pushed Kristen’s hair from her forehead and gently kissed her. “Goodnight Kristen. May the Lord guard your dreams.” She whispered.
Climbing into bed Zoe didn’t even try to stem the flow of tears. She fell asleep with her heart full and tears of joy dripping from her cheeks to wet her pillow.

- Zags

The Rabbi and Lisa stepped out into the afternoon sun for their daily walk and talk as they called it. It was the only way they knew no one could listen to their conversation. They strolled through the market place as they headed for the wall. Entreprenuers had their wares set up for the day and business looked good. Musicians filled the streets singing and playing for the people and people passing by would leave their tip for them.

As they neared the Wall they could hear the witnesses talking to the the crowd. This went on 24 hours a day most days. The Witnesses rarely took a break and would continue to reach out the crowd telling them "COME..............ALL WHO ARE WEARY AND HEAVY LADEN...........FOR I WILL GIVE YOU REST.....................THUS SAYETH THE LORD.

The Rabbi knew for months now that revival was taking place in many of his jewish friends hearts and he praised God for this. Those who had given their hearts to Jesus came and danced in the streets daily as an incouragement to others to turn their lives toward the one and only true king. Many eyes had been opened and continued to happen daily. The Rabbi had heard rumor that the government in Isreal was not too happy about what was happening down at the Wall but he knew that God Himself was controlling all things at the wall. The military continued to surround the Holy site every day making sure the witnesses did not cause violence to arise.

Lisa moved closer to the wall and reached into her handbag. Every week she would come here and place all the prayer request that had come in from the 144,000 into the cracks of the wall. The Rabbi stood nearby and prayed as she slipped each one into the wall. As she finished she moved next to him and they both bowed their heads in prayer as the Rabbi led. Today they not only prayed for the request but for their brothers and sister who would be arriving to join them the next day. They both could feel the air of celebration as they prayed. Julie and David would be staying in Yoshi and Esters shelter where they had waited out the attack that had happened months earlier and the sweet neighbor Ruth who lived next door as a widow had offered to put the rest of the group up in her house for as long as they wished to stay. Everything had fallen into place and he knew it could only be the Lord and he and Lisa gave thanks.

Afterwords they both went back to the marketplace to pick up fresh treats for their guest and to fill the shopping list that Ester had asked them to pick up. As they walked back they noticed several people being detained and questioned by the military. Camera crews had arrived for the evening news and began filming each detainee as they were arrested. Knowing they would find out later on the news they hurried back home so as not to draw attention to themselves.

- Renee

On the Ranch

Mo and Raul walked into the little house and Trevor looked up from his Bible study. Both men looked like they had been put through the ringer.
“What’s up?” He asked.
Both men then told him about the dressing down they had gotten from Kristen during dinner.
Trevor sat quietly as the men told him what Kristen had said and he felt shame well. Shaking his head he looked at both men. “I’m just as guilty as everyone else. I guess this is something we all need to work on. We can’t pick and choose who we want to be saved, who we think deserve forgiveness. Jesus died for all man, not just those we deem worthy.
Mo and Raul both nodded. “Belle was glaring just as hard as Kristen. That lady has a way of just looking at you that makes you feel about an inch tall.” Raul joked.
Trevor and Mo both laughed shortly causing Leon who sat across the room, eyes wide open, but unaware of his surroundings, to jump.
“How’s he doing?” Mo asked Trevor.
“He’s still catatonic. I honestly don’t know if he’ll pull out of it. We just have to wait and see.

Leon sat eyes wide, not seeing the room or the men in it. All he could see were memories of his past. The first time he had come stumbling home drunk when he was twelve. His mother pleading with him to stop drinking six months later. The first time he tried marijuana, the first time he snorted cocaine. The first time he shot heroine. His mother begging him to go to rehab at thirteen. The first time he had traded the use of his body to Earl for the drugs Earl had. His mother crying, begging him on her knees to tell her what was wrong.

He saw his mother taking him to talk to the pastor from her church and himself sitting there stony eyed, glaring at them both not saying a word.

Going to church on his mothers birthday as his gift to her and hearing the gospel. Almost getting up out of the pew at the invitation but stopping at the glare Earl shot him from the pew across the aisle.
He saw himself abusing Kristen. His stomach turning at what he was forced to do to the young girl in hopes that Earl would stop abusing him.

“Oh who do you think you’re kidding? You didn’t do it to get Earl to stop using you. You did it so he would keep giving you drugs.” Leon heard the voice in his mind. “You were terrified he would take the drugs away. That’s why you did what Earl and Mikey told you do to that poor girl.”
Had he? Had he abused a innocent girl for drugs? Leon’s mind fractured a bit more.
Lie, Guilt, Shame, and Hopelessness continued to whisper continuously as Leon sat trapped in his own mind.
- Zags

Mark and Andrew were busy going over the check list and waiting for the fueling truck to finish when they spotted a jeep carrying what they believed to be their passengers. Andrew cautiously waved to them as he saw the jeep come to a stop in the parking area. Three people emerged and hugged each other and a young couple with baggage in hand started walking toward them.
He met them part way and held out his hand, "I'm Andrew and you must be Julie and David."
David shook his hand and Julie gave him a hug, "Yes, we are. It's so good to finally meet you. Thank you so much for offering to take us all the way to our friend in Israel. You will never know how much we dreaded flying on a commercial flight. Thank you so much for your very kind offer.....we really appreciate it."
"You are very welcome and it's the least we could do for our fellow believers in Christ. You have a huge task before you and we are more than willing to lend a hand to any believer in need. We will be stopping to pick up Bill and his son, Connor. Is that alright with you?" Andrew asked.
"Of course, we are just grateful to have the ride," David answered.
Mark joined them and introduced himself to the couple and said, "Everything is ready, if you are?"
"Yes, we are ready and eager to get going," Julie said.
The all boarded the plane and Mark prepared for take off. He taxied to the runway, asked for clearance from the tower, and they were soon airborne. Andrew radioed Amy and MD that they should be touching down in less than three hours. Bill and Connor would be waiting plus they had a shipment ready for them to deliver in Israel. Andrew said they had plenty of room for whatever they needed to send. "Amy, God bless all of you and we shall see you shortly."
Mark made a slight circle and headed the plane due north. He silently prayed, "Lord, thank You for all You have so graciously provided for us. We praise Your name and give You all the glory for the miraculous things that have come our way. Guide us in all we do. We willingly go in Your name. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen."

- P4H

The door to the cockpit remained open and Andrew asked Julie and David to tell them about the compound. Julie told them how they had all been lead to the compound, the angel that stood guard over everyone that lived there, Bro. Aaron and his ministry, Emily, and Rabbi Abraham leaving them and going to Israel. Julie told them how she was sad to leave Emily when she was expecting a baby and how she hoped to be able to return before the baby was born, but the Rabbi needed her in Jerusalem to help him. She teared up when she talked about leaving her good friend, but soon was cheerfully talking about all the things that they had accomplished since moving to the compound. David told how he was so proud to be married to Julie and that only God could have brought them all together.
Andrew smiled, "God willing, maybe Mark can bring you back to be with Emily at the birth of her child."
Mark chuckled, "Yes, Julie, I would be honored to fly you back to the compound provided we are still able to fool the GFAF. God has provided us with the ability to convince others that this mission is legitimately for the GF so I'm sure He will give us another way to get you back to the compound before the big event."
"Oh, that would be so wonderful! I really hated to leave her right now, but we have a higher calling now and I had to help the Rabbi," said Julie.
Mark asked everyone to fasten their seat belts as they were getting close to their destination. He got on the radio and told Amy to let Bill know they would be touching down in about 15 minutes. Mark prepared for the landing and checked his coordinates once again. He looked over at Andrew, "This is a much smaller airstrip than I anticipated, but this old bird has flown into worse spots in its years of service. I sure hope Bill understands this is a much bigger plane than he's used to piloting. Maybe we will have to let him fly part of the trip."
Andrew shook his head in agreement, "Might not be a bad idea that you are with him while he gets used to this plane. You can help him get accustomed to the differences. He is a good pilot or he wouldn't have survived being shot down so I don't think we have anything to worry about."
"No doubt, my friend.....still, I don't know that he's ever flown a DC9 or one this large. Of course this particular one has been converted to more of a cargo plane which would suit their needs a lot more. Reason I chose this one in the first place. He will have all the radio equipment so that he can monitor other GFAF pilots and know flight patterns. He can fly under the radar and not be noticed as easily. We have a while longer before we will have to find other ways to avoid the GF."
Andrew sighed, "I know we have less than three years before it will be impossible to fake being one of them. We will not take the mark so at the appointed time, we will find places to hide. Maybe we could even join MD and Amy or Sam and his friends in Missouri. God will show us what we need to do of that I'm certain."
Mark banked the plane to the left and put the landing gear down while he prepared to put the bird on the ground. He spotted the airstrip and put the nose down. "Here we go, guys. We are ready to meet our friends Bill and Connor."

- P4H

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