Monday, January 3, 2011

Are They Ready For This?

Amy had one of her famous meals ready when Sam, Doug, and Jerry arrived back at the shop. They all sat around the table catching up on all the news and enjoying their dinner when they noticed BJ was nowhere around and hadn’t shown up for dinner. MD looked around at everyone shaking his head, “I can’t imagine where that boy is hiding or what he could possibly be up his sleeve. Amy, we can leave the dishes for him to wash since he is late for dinner.”
“Now MD, you know I don’t let BJ anywhere near the utensils. He never puts things back where they belong and I usually end up rewashing the dishes. I do wonder where he could be….its not like him to miss a meal,” mused Amy.
“If you all don’t mind, I would like to catch a quick nap before I have to leave. It’s a long flight and I need a little rest,” Sam said.
MD rose from the table, “I will show you where you can have some privacy and a little rest. Just follow me.”
MD took him to the little room off the office where they had placed a cot so they could rest while waiting for orders to come across the printer. “I think you will find this a quieter place to rest. If you need anything, just give us a shout out.”
Sam sat down on the cot to remove his shoes and it folded up with him inside. He grunted and wiggled around trying to get the cot unfolded. MD shouted, “BJ.” He began helping Sam get untangled and set the cot right, “Sam, I’m so sorry. I will find that boy and make him apologize to you.”
Sam was holding his side laughing, “I’m sure that was a sight to see and you really wanted to laugh……now didn’t you? Don’t say anything to him. I will get him back eventually. Right now I just need a little rest. Thank you for everything, MD.”
MD shut the door behind him and went in search of BJ. What was he going to do with that boy?

- P4H

The designation of Jesus told to His mother by the angel Gabriel was that of Savior, namely, "you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins" (Matt. 1:21). That he carried that sense of Mission throughout His life is clear from His statements in Mark 10:45: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many"; and John 12:27: "Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save Me from this hour'? But for this purpose I came to this hour." The role of Jesus Christ as Savior of the world is further exhibited by His willingness to go to the Cross when He could have called the forces of heaven to rescue Him Matt. 26:53, 54). Rather, He freely gave Himself on the Cross, as despicted in all four Gospels. Ironically, the ones standing by the Cross spoke true words: "He saved others; Himself He cannot save" (Mark 15:31).
Amy looked at MD, "Ray left us so many notes that continue to stengthen our faith. The last note he made on this page stirs my heart, Christ gave His life for our salvation now we must give up our lives for Him. MD, there will come a time when they will start killing us for our beliefs. I was once afraid, but now, when it comes time to choose, I will stand on the side of Christ Jesus."
MD hugged her, "Yes, I will stand up and proudly say, I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and will not worship another. I will not pledge allegience to any other God, but the one true God of Abraham. Wow, Amy, the time is nearing when Teodor will stand in the temple and declare himself god. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it."
Sam was standing in the doorway listening to the couple talk and as he approached MD could see a tear in his eye, "Sam, are you alright?"
"Yes, I was just thinking of Christ's sacrifice for us and how unworthy I feel." Sam cleared his throat, "I must be on my way if I'm to make my drop on time."
MD stood up and the two men walked to the garage where Doug and Jerry were finishing loading the crates. He explained to Sam that the large crates were equipped with a flotation device that would be activated once they hit the water.
Doug told Sam they were loaded and ready to go. Sam turned to Amy and gave her a hug, "Thank you so much for the delicious dinner. MD, I appreciate the help with the cot." Both men laughed and gave each oher a hug . The three men got into the truck to leave and MD shouted out, "God's speed, Sam. We shall pray for your safe return."
MD put his arm around Amy and the two stood in the doorway waving as the men drove away.

- P4H

Babylon, Iraq

Earl waited impatiently in line. With the water being blood the prisoners were being given milk. But in the scorching heat it didn't take long for the milk to begin to sour. Earl craned his neck to see how much longer he would have to wait. Up ahead he could see one man holding another man up. Shaking his head Earl made a comment. "The man's probably gonna die anyway, so why should he get any milk?"
Several heads turned at Earl's comment and they gave him a questioning look.
"Up there. The guy holding the other guy up." Earl pointed.
The other men saw the two men Earl was pointing out and soon began to grumble.
"It's a waste of resources, I say." One of the men soud loudly.
"Yeah. Why should we have to share our food and milk with a man who is obviously dying." Shouted another.
Soon the whole line was worked up into a rage.
Suddenly most of the men standing in front of Earl began moving forwart toward the two men. They were shouting and pushing each other, each wanting to be the one to remove the dying man from line. The pushing became shoving, and then an all out brawl began. Earl stood silently as he watched the guards come running to break up the fighting.
Most of the men were dragged away, forfeiting their milk, while others were beaten and some shot. The guards quickly had the fight broken up. And with glares looked at the few men who were left standing quietly in line.
"Get your milk and get back to work." One of them barked.
With a nod Earl stepped forward, around and over bodies.
He smiled as he took his cup of milk. The fight he had instigated had moved him to the front of the line.

- Zags

Riverside in Mosul, Iraq

Aini she ran along the street leading toward the riverbank. Ever since the water in Iraq turned into blood, she would sneak into barns and milk the farmers’ cows to have milk to drink. But times were getting worse. The rain didn’t come as frequently as it used to. Also, there were tremors nearly every day. They never were strong enough to do any real damage, but they always scared Aini whenever they occurred.
The path plunged down sharply into the river. Aini dashed to the seawall and seated herself upon its rough, rocky surface.
“Having a pleasant evening?” hailed a voice behind her. She turned and gasped, recognizing the fishmonger. She nodded yes, interest sparkling in her eyes. “What do you think of all this?” the fishmonger asked gesturing toward the bloody river.
“It’s grand, magnificent – I mean just – horrible!” answered Aini. “Who would ever do a thing like that? I mean, seriously, I wonder who did it.” She kicked her foot against the wall.
“Well, I suppose God did it,” admitted Abdul, stroking his beard thoughtfully.
“What God, Allah?” Aini looked sharply at him.
“Why, no. My God, the God your sister served. This is part of His judgment on a world that has rejected His Son, Jesus. You see He sent His Son to earth over 2,000 years ago and the Jewish nation killed Him. He arose from the grave after three days and is able – no – He will save all who come to Him. He’s given us His words, the Bible so we could know more about Him –“
“But how do you know about my sister –“ Aini cut in.
“Just a moment, little lady. He also gave the world over 2,000 years to turn to Him. Some did, but many did not. Now is the time of judgement –“
Aini’s eyes sparkled. She burst out with, “Just like it was in Jonah’s day?”


The Rabbi quitely followed the angel outside before asking his question so as not to wake the others. "How will we get to Nazareth? Its about 65 miles north of here located in Gallilee." he asked. "Follow me and I will show you" the angel spoke. Without knowledge of how he and the angel arrived they both stood in front of Mary's Well.

Mary’s Well is the natural spring that until the 20th century was the primary source of water for Nazareth. With no rivers or other major springs nearby, it is natural that the center of the city would surround this site. And right next to the well is the bath house.

According to the Greek Orthodox Tradition, and several books of the Apocrypha including the book of James, the Annunciation (announcement to Mary of her forthcoming virgin birth) was made at Mary’s Well.

With the discovery of the bath house that is at least of the Roman period, and potentially much older, it confirms that Nazareth was a larger and more important city, than many have thought, during the time of Jesus.

Further, there is some evidence to suggest that Mary, and possibly even Jesus himself bathed at this bath house.

A man made his exit from the bath house right in front of the Rabbi and nearly ran him over as the Rabbi reached out his arms to steady both of them. The wild look in the mans eyes told the Rabbi that something was very wrong. "Dont go in there. Someone has placed a curse on us. Everywhere I go the water has turned to blood, even at Marys Well. Please, can you help me. I have a family and we have no water. My wife is very sick and she needs water." the stranger spoke. It was obvious the man did not see the angel with the Rabbi, nor did he hear the angel tell the Rabbi to go with him to his home to minister to his family.

"I have some water with me. Take me to your home so I can meet your family. Maybe I can help her." the Rabbi told him. "Oh thank you Rabbi. You are a blessing to me today. Its not very far. Follow me." he said.

The angel walked with them as the Rabbi was lead to the strangers home.

- Renee

"Yes," sighed Abdul. He looked quizzically at Aini. "How'd you guess that?" A bell boomed forth from the nearby mosque. Its dome stood in sharp contrast to the fast darkening evening sky. Abdul stood up. "Well, little lady, there goes the curfew bell. It means all must be off the streets by eight o'clock. Teodor Angyros just made it a worldwide thing. He says the later people are out on the streets, the more crime takes place."

Aini nodded. Fights about food and water or any type of liquid were becoming part of everyday life. Just the day before she narrowly escaped getting knifed in the streets.

"How would you like to spend the night at my place? It's kinda small, but I'd keep you safe so you wouldn't have to break curfew trying to get home."

Aini gasped, "Do you really mean that?! Sure I'd love to come. But how can you a muslim man talk to me a muslim female?"


George couldn’t believe he was being transferred to a teaching observatory. NASA had called not only about the anomoly heading towards them but asked him how he would feel about teaching young students who would be our future astronauts and astonomers. George was sure the Lords hand was in this. What an oportunity to touch young lives for the kingdom. He had asked the Lord in his prayers how he would be used as one of the 144,000 and now he knew. Having never married or had children, and now that his parents were gone he looked forward to his work at the new observatory. He would be leaving in about an hour as soon as his replacement arrived

Mount Laguna Observatory (MLO) is located forty-five miles east of San Diego, at an altitude of 6100 ft. (1859 meters) on the remote eastern edge of the Cleveland National Forest. MLO is well protected from the urban lighting of the San Diego metropolitan area. This remoteness, along with the high percentage of clear nights and excellent seeing, makes Mount Laguna one of the best overall observatory sites in the continental United States. MLO has grown to include four well-equipped telescopes, ranging in size from 16- to 40-inches (0.4- to 1.0-meters), which are used for research by the faculty and students. High-speed Internet connectivity is provided by the High Performance Research and Education Network (HPWREN). A new 40-inch telescope (ULTRA) employing Carbon Composite Technology for the mirrors and optical tube assembly is being designed to replace the current 16-inch telescope.

George stood in awe as he was given the grand tour of what would become his last mailing address until he was heaven bound. His classroom was larger on its own than the observatory he had just left. It was still a few weeks away before new classes for the year would begin. He was shown his private quarters and spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking his belongings and getting settled in. He planned to spend the evening after dinner in his classroom going over the records of his soon to be students. He prayed that God would guide him and give him the words to touch each of their lives as he established personal relationships with each one. He was very excited about the job God had given to him and looked forward to meeting each of them in the next couple of weeks.

- Renee

Sam had made one stop to refuel and had check his cargo making sure it was ready for the drop. The flotation device was activated and he was ready to make his final leg of the trip. He had become restless thinking about the fleet and what would become of them, but he was sure God would use them for a higher purpose. He banked north and made a 180 degree turn over the water and set his GPS to mark the spot for the drop. He didn't see any ships and began to wonder why no one was there to pick up the cargo. His GPS began to buzz letting him know the target was near. He set the autopilot and headed to the rear of the plane to make the drop. He looked out once more to see if he could find any subs or ships, but nothing was there. He readied the cargo and sent it flying out of the plane. He watched as the cargo dropped one by one and the parachutes engaged. They hit the target and he could see the crates floating in the water. Mission accomplished. He could head back home and wait for the message from Amy that the cargo had been received by the fleet.
He was grateful he was able to get the supplies to the fleet and prayed they would remain undetected. If they needed supplies, he or Mark would be available to get them whatever they needed. Austin had been told they would not be using the eco system so if there would be any further drops, it would only be for food and water. "Thank You, Lord for giving me safety on this journey. Be with all the brave souls hiding in these waters. Lord, I ask Your guidance on my return home and give me traveling grace. I praise Your Holy name. Amen."
Sam was now heading back to his friends and family. He radioed Amy that all was well and cargo drop was a success. She let him know that Andrew and Mark would be heading home tomorrow and had something for him. She didn't mention Bill and Connor. Plans were always changing so maybe he had been given another mission while he was in Israel. He sent a message to Christina that things went well and he would be home by morning. He set the plane on autopilot and continued monitoring the instruments. The monitor went off several times warning him of GF aircraft approaching, but they didn't seem to know he was there. He could see in the distance several F16's and wondered where they were headed. Maybe a mission that hadn't been sent out over the monitor Andrew had given him, but then Andrew was out of the country and may not know what is going on with flight schedules. God had gotten him this far and He would guide him home.

- P4H

On the Ranch

Shade gave Maddie a quick hug and left the house.
Rushing back upstairs Maddie quickly got dressed. She went downstairs and seeing Kristen standing by the door gave the girl a hug. "I'll be back soon." Maddie assured her.
"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Kristen asked softly.
"No. It's best I go alone. We have no idea how Leon will react." Kristen nodded and Maddie left the house.
Going into the barn she got into her car and backed out and headed for the little house. Pulling up she saw there was a dim light coming from the kitchen. Getting out of the car she walked up to the door. Tapping softly she slowly opened the door. "Hello?" she whispered.
"Maddie?" Skunk said softly. "What are you doing here? It's the middle of the night."
Maddie saw the Bible sitting on the table in front of Skunk, and gave a soft smile. "I need to talk to you boys. It's important."
"What's up?"
"Go get the other boys please." Maddie said as she headed for the living room.
Skunk had an uneasy feeling but did as Maddie asked and headed for the bedroom. "Mo, Raul. Wake up. Maddie's here and she wants to talk to us."
"What time is it?" Raul asked squinting at the clock.
"A little after 2:00." Skunk answered.
"Did Leon get out?" Mo asked quickly.
"No. He's sleeping."
"What does Maddie want?" Mo asked.
"I don't know. She just told me to get you guys up."
Mo slipped a shirt over his head and left the bedroom. "Hurry up Raul. Something's up. Maddie wouldn't come over in the middle of the night just to visit."
Raul staggered around trying to pull his shirt on as he left the room.
The three men walked into the living room to see Maddie helping Leon sit up. Leon's eyes were clear and alert, making Maddie sigh with relief.
"Boys, sit down." Maddie said indicating they sit next to Leon.
Mo's gut curled in unease, and he shot a glance at Skunk. Skunk gave a small nod that he was feeling the same. Mo and Skunk looked at Raul and he nodded. He felt uneasy too.
"Please boys, sit."
They sat on the edge of the bed, and Maddie sat in the chair next to the bed. She sat for a moment trying to think of what to say.
"Spit it out Maddie." Raul said, his nerves on edge. Something was wrong, he could feel it.
Skunk gave Raul a sharp look, but looked at Maddie. "Yeah, what's up?"
Maddie looked down at her hands and then back up at the boys. Swallowing she took a deep breath.
"It's Belle. She's gone home boys. She's with Jesus now."

- Zags

Ben and Jack stood talking to the Conning crew as they waited for the supply plane to arrive. They had been on site for just over an hour. The actual drop site was two miles west of the sub but radar and the scope would allow them to see any activity in the area.

“Radar to Conn, aircraft bearing 074, range 10 miles, course 165, slow speed”
“Conn aye, report at 5 miles out then count down at 3” Commander Ted Blake II replied
“Aye sir”

“Well he is on time, shall we look top side and see what our friend looks like” Ted asked “Up scope” he said as pushed a button.

The long chrome cylinder tube lifted up and stopped just below his eye sight. Around the tube was a brightly polished brass rail that circled the area. This rail was meant as a hand hold if need be, the like most naval vessels; the brass was polished so bright no one dared touch it.
Placing his eyes against the eye piece, Ted did a quick 360 degree turn to ensure no one was watching or had come up on them.

“Top side clear” Ted announced
“Top side clear aye sir” The Quartermaster replied back as he log in a large binder ever action the sub did.

Ted now focused on the area the he should see the plan coming from. Tapping a switch the periscope could zoom out or in. No longer just a sight tube, many subs now had camera, inferred cameras all hooked up to a computer so everything the viewer saw, it was recorded.

After about 30 seconds, Ted smiled, Got him. “Scope to Radar, I have visual on air craft”
“Copy Scope”
Again the Quartermaster wrote every event in the log.

“Looks to be a civilian cargo plane about the size of your C-130. He is about 5 miles out now on project course. Weapons this is your body, you want to take a look?”

Ben had looked through the scope before so it was no big deal, every sailor who first joins a sub team can’t wait to get their first look through the tube but once they have and see it is like looking through a small window they loose interest.

Ted moved out of the way and Ben stepped up. One other feature the scope had was once it was locked on to a target, it would move with it this allowing the scope operator to pull away then relocate with no effort. Ben watched the plane for about thirty seconds then pulled away and asked Jack if he wanted to look.
“Nope I trust you two.” Jack replied acting a little fudging.

Ted went back and watched as the plane flu over the drop zone then banked and did a couple of circles. The pilot leveled out the plane then opened the rear cargo door and once the plane was again over the drop zone, large crates started falling out. Ted at first thought the crates would bust open or sink but they rolled three times followed by floatation devises deploying. A total of five large crates hit the water. Number four did have a floatation problem and it sank almost as quickly as it hit the water.
The cargo door closed back up and the plane dipped his wing twice the flu back in the direction it came.

“All cargo crates are in the water on floatation.” Ted announced
“Now we wait one hour. I hope those floatation last that long” Jack stated
“They looked like old military style floats we used back in the 80’s” Ted answered
“Oh that is real assuring”
“They will last, if not we loose one or two.” Ben spoke up, “Better then rushing in and finding a bomb or a trap”
“Good point and I didn’t think about that. What happens if we pop the lid off one and BOM” Ted asked

“Well that is why two of your seaman and I will take a raft over first and have a look” Ben replied

“You, why you” Jack asked quickly

“Remember this was my idea and besides I am the weapons officer I should know my bombs”

“Well I’m going too” Jack shot back

“Sir, with all due respect, I am just a Weapons Officer, expendable. You are a Captain and a good sound one at that. The fleet would loose out big time if our Lord called you home.”

“Tuff, I have grown comfort in being around you, your luck comes right at the right time for me. We have had a sub sunk under our feet and a destroyer. I don’t think the man up stairs is done with you yet.”

“That man up stairs Jack is Jesus and he wants you to call him Lord. He will use each one of us for the greater glory of him, he can and will call us home when he is ready. So I might as well be on a rubber raft then standing on this boat.”

“Well good, that is my point so I am going. End of discussion” Jack said with a louder voice letting everyone in the area know He was the boss and the discussion had in fact ended with his vote.

“Do you all want wet suits” Ted asked

Ben looked at Jack the said no but to ensure the two seamen had them on.

“Are you two out to do each other? Is there something here I don’t understand?” Ted asked the two men.
“No sir, just trying to protect Captain McCoy here that is all”

“Skipper, I’m just looking out for the men under me” Jack replied

“OK but since I am the Skipper of this boat; I have the final say on all matters. If you have a problem with this, I have a room in back and a few strong men who will ensure you stay there. Do I make myself understood?” Ted stated with a louder voice then Jack had to let his crew know he was the Boss.

“Understood” both men replied, before walking foreword to the hatch that would allow them to release the raft.

“Grumpy isn’t he” Jack said slapping Ben on the back

- Alex

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