Saturday, January 1, 2011

Are They Ready For This?

5 months into the time known as The Tribulation....a cast of characters find themselves stuck in a place they never dreamed..a time of such dread and terror that Jesus had himself warned would be so scary "that people's hearts will fail them for fear"

all across the globe ..lives have been shaken beyond boundaries once thought all began 5 months ago 10pm cst ..when in a moment the twinkling of an eye...a shout from on high "come up here" had catapulted hundreds of thousands into a celestial ascent for the ages...a homecoming that defies description..leaving in their wake...the most chilling of scenarios

Daycares deserted....grave sides empty...pilotless planes crashing...trains derailed..lives tortured with an abandoment of all that was considered normal...

a sifting of biblical proportions has propelled many to their one such place known as Possum Hollow a few of those characters now find themselves preparing on a daily basis for that dreadful time ahead.

Dan and his son Daryl ...abandoned by a wife named Priscilla...have been made host to their prodigal pastor Tim..who after 5 months has steadied himself and is now the shepherd he had so long been called to be. Joining this Dan's nephew Anthony who had been a freshman attending college in Texas...he too found himself stranded that fateful night ...when he called home to hear the telephone ring and ring..knowing full well....both his christian parents were no longer here. Upon his journey back to the family farm...he picked up a middle aged man ...Named Hank ...who...following suit...was hit smack dab in the face with the loss of a wife...raptured into God's glorious presence......upon Hank an Anthony's journey to the family farm in Possum Hollow...they arrived and quickly discovered Dan and Daryl still well as neighber Earl Boxberger...and elderly man...who despite many years in church and a former deacon had never given his heart to Jesus....a would be shocking revelation IF had been noted at any other time.....

traveling from many miles away...Boston Mass...came Earl's Granddaughter...Stacy....a wild child ..raised in an agnostic manner ...traveled many miles ...and like Anthony had found a friend on her Journey....Keisha...a newly born again chatterbox of a creature..who was dumped at a gas station by her man who had chosen to end their relationship rather than accept his girl's new found faith.

filling out the Possum Hollow Crew ...are Bart (aka BRAT)....Jeremiah and Amber ...all newly born again...tribulation surviving hopefuls

They have been spending the last few weeks in time...preparing ..studying ..praying and crying many tears ..dealing with the harsh reality that has hit their lives.

Sharing many meals and many stories....and did I mention the food? The possum stew? the deer chili? the Frog Legs? Possum Hollow is "out there" ...way deep in the Ozark Mountain region of Missouri..caves all over the place....the perfect hideout

Dan's that good ole country boy...wears the John Deere hat..ya know the same John Deere Hat he wore back umpteen years ago...his face etched with lines from years on a tractor ..mowing hay in the hot summer sun. He's the cook and a calming voice of reason for so many of the lives at this place called Possum Hollow...he along with Pastor Tim have been delegated an assingment from on guide and direct and pray and protect the souls of those coming to hideout at Possum Hollow


Possum Hollow

Mathew 10:16 “Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes :and harmless as doves. 17 But beware! For you will be handed over to the courts and will be flogged with whips in the synagogues. 18 You will stand trial before governors and kings because you are my followers. But this will be your opportunity to tell the rulers and other unbelievers about me.[e] 19 When you are arrested, don’t worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time. 20 For it is not you who will be speaking—it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

21 “A brother will betray his brother to death, a father will betray his own child, and children will rebel against their parents and cause them to be killed. 22 And all nations will hate you because you are my followers.[f] But everyone who endures to the end will be saved. 23 When you are persecuted in one town, flee to the next. I tell you the truth, the Son of Man[g] will return before you have reached all the towns of Israel.

24 “Students[h] are not greater than their teacher, and slaves are not greater than their master. 25 Students are to be like their teacher, and slaves are to be like their master. And since I, the master of the household, have been called the prince of demons,[i] the members of my household will be called by even worse names!

26 “But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. 27 What I tell you now in the darkness, shout abroad when daybreak comes. What I whisper in your ear, shout from the housetops for all to hear!

28 “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.[j] 29 What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin[k]? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. 30 And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

32 “Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. 33 But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.....

Pastor Tim ..finished reading then layed down his bible..staring at the Possum Hollow Gang on this day when ever thing has seemed so calm and peaceful...a day the sun is shining so bright..and spring is in it's full splendor...Tim cautions them all

"guys..we are now in that ole calm before the storm...and you can know as certain as I sit here before you that STORMS ARE COMING" "but we must remember Jesus is with us...He's in our hearts and we are hiding these words in our when these storms come...we are going to be prepared..we are going to be bold..we are going to fight a good fight and we are going to endure" "I can't promise you that we won't suffer...I can't promise you that you won't die...but I can promise you..that in the end it will all be worth it when we see Jesus"

Dan chimed in "AMEN PASTOR...I can't wait to see Him" "Me either and mom too" Dan's son Daryl added

"can you imagine? just think in no longer than 7 years ...we all will be in ETERNITY...walking and talking together..but sin will be no more...hatred..divorce...cancer...fear...worry....anxiety...NO MORE" Pastor Tim encouraged..and Daryl pipes in "AND NO MORE DENTIST...THANK YOU JESUS" the whole gang laughing

Tim soberminded and with conviction quickly reminds the group .."But Guys ..until that time...It's going to be alot more like Hell than Heaven ...we are going to face pressure on every side...Fear will come knocking...Despair too...we will be facing death on a daily basis...I'm not trying to scare you...I'm just wanting us all to be prepared"

Dan takes off his ole hat and gets down on one knee "there's only place we can find the strength we are going to need guys..."LET's PRAY"


Lucifer smiled. Man had taken on his own aspirations. They desired to ascend into the heavens themselves. Surely Jehovah would have no choice but to destroy man. Man’s arrogance matched his own, to think that they could build a tower so high that they could reach the heavens themselves. And it was all his own influence. Yes, Lucifer thought. Jehovah will either bow to him, or have to destroy his precious creation man.

Gen 11:1 And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech.
Gen 11:2 And it happened, as they traveled from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar. And they lived there.
Gen 11:3 And they said to one another, Come, let us make brick and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar.
Gen 11:4 And they said, Come, let us build us a city and a tower, and its top in the heavens. And let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered upon the face of the whole earth.
Gen 11:5 And Jehovah came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of Adam had built.
Gen 11:6 And Jehovah said, Behold! The people is one and they all have one language. And this they begin to do. And now nothing which they have imagined to do will be restrained from them.
Gen 11:7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they cannot understand one another's speech.
Gen 11:8 So Jehovah scattered them abroad from that place upon the face of all the earth. And they quit building the city.
Gen 11:9 Therefore the name of it is called Babel; because Jehovah confused the language of all the earth there. And from there Jehovah scattered them abroad on the face of all the earth.

Lucifer screamed in rage as he saw Jehovah confuse the peoples of the earth. He had been so certain. Quickly he turned away his mind on what to do next.
Jehovah had a plan, a Messiah. Perhaps that was the way. If he could somehow stop the Messiah.....
Lucifer smiled as a plan began to form.

"Hey!! Stop daydreaming and help me with this." Belle said with a laugh.
She quickly blinked her eyes. Had she fallen asleep? "Sorry. I guess I fell asleep." She muttered.
"You fell asleep?" Belle asked. "Standing up, with your eyes open?" Belle grinned.
"I guess so."
Belle stopped smiling. "Are you ok?"
Taking a deep breath she answered. "I don't know."

- Zags

Teodor was in a good mood, smiling as he recalled all he had accomplished in only the past 5 months. It was amazing how easily the world embraced him as their ruler and how much they begged him to solve all of their promises. He said he would save them...almost like a messiah or something.

Just as Lucifer intended.

He had risen quickly to become Secretary General of the UN and assured the world there would be peace through the signing of the peace treaty with Israel. He had amazed the world with the creation of the Global Family (GF) and its various branches, including the Global Family Faith (GFF) led by Pope Peter XXV, the Global Family Military (GFM), the youth force of the Global Family Community Organizers (GFCO), the Global Family Banks where the Argo was conceived, and many other organizations. Laws had been put in place simply by his orders without any second-guessing by the leaders of the world.

He had hired a wonderful assistant by the name of Jerome Semerad, whom had proven to be invaluable to him during this time. It is a pity he doesn't show leadership material or I would have considered making him my second in command Teodor mused. Jerome seemed to worship the very air Teodor breathed, and Teodor valued such devotion in his team.

Certainly there had been small rebellions, including one in America during the creation of the GFM and the current crisis in South American waters, where rebellious ships had gathered to fight against the Global Family Navy (GFN). But Teodor had confidence in his forces; they were much larger than the little pocket of dissenters, and they would be taken care of in no time. The rebellion that was the most difficult to destroy was the terroristic Christian group. They were stubborn and difficult to track down, but Lucifer had told him about Jehovah's powers of protection on those scum...Lucifer luckily had more power than that so-called "god", and those silly Christians would be crushed.

Teodor growled angrily as he remembered the deaths of his friends, Lucas and Kostos...caused by a madman by the name of Raven. Teodor had moved his mother into Global Family Headquarters, with a suite next to his, to keep her safe from the killer. Luckily there had been no reports of further activity from the terrorist, but Teodor continued to be watchful. It wasn't so much that he grieved the loss of their presence or love...he was angry because it caused him to look weak and vulnerable, which is not how Teodor wanted to appear to the world. No one was allowed to take anything or anyone from him.

Teodor started shaking in rage as he thought about those two idiots at the Wailing Wall who were still preaching about Jehovah and Jesus day and night. Every single effort he had made to stop them had failed so far! What would it take to silence them for good? Unfortunately Teodor had lost a significant number of staff due to the lunatics, including a large delegation from the UN that he had initially sent. His face twisted in disgust as he remembered Jax, the leader of the delegation, being engulfed in flames that day. He had even shot them with a rocket! And it did absolutely no damage because it was completely destroyed before it could hit them!

The look was replaced with a smile as he looked over the progress report from New Bablyon. The city was being built at a remarkably fast pace, looking more beautiful by the day. Jerome's smart strategies concerning better working conditions had increased productivity by double! Soon he would have his own city, "shining on a hill", just like Jehovah's pathetic Jerusalem.

The new laws concerning the crime rates and "religious dissent" around the world were still new and a little difficult to implement, but he had seem some promising results. Some foolish Christians flying around in planes had been...taken care of quite easily. The crime rate around Global Family Headquarters had decreased significantly already, and Teodor was using this success to fool the world into believing crime would be taken care of in an impossibly short amount of time. The internet was nearly under the complete control of the Global Family, and they would be able to track down the Christian terrorists who were spreading the dissent over the internet (of course, Teodor didn't take into account that some people would be able to set up secure, high-tech internet connections which would be untraceable, like Jerome). Some Christians who were openly witnessing on street corners had been arrested by the GFCO's for causing disturbances. Lucifer was proud of this progress!

Yes, things had been going well for Teodor over the past 5 months...and he knew it would only get better for him from here on out.

The grin on his face was positively maniacal.

Jerome Semerad had come a long way since the Disappearances. Sure, he still had the same job as Teodor's main "go-to-guy"/assistant, but Jerome had something Teodor would never have: a relationship with Christ.

It had taken Jerome a while to find the truth, but his tendency to research brought him to the truth. His entire family had been Raptured, and he had only recently discovered this truth. He also quickly realized his boss was the Antichrist, which was quite astounding. Jerome felt sick when he remembered how devoted he had been to making the Potentate happy...the man who was the polar opposite of Christ.

Jerome had installed a completely secure, hi-tech internet connection onto his laptop, and there was no way the Potentate would become suspicious of his activities on or any other Christian website. Jerome knew he only had until the moment when the Mark would become mandatory to work as a spy inside the Global Family Headquarters (GFH), but he would use that time wisely.

He first needed to make sure Frank knew he was a Christian and working as a mole inside the GFH. He would post something on and pray that Frank and any other believers would believe him. He wanted God to use him in his position to do His Will. Sure, it was very risky for Jerome to be in his position as a Christian in such an anti-Christian environment, but he needed to be that light in the oppressive darkness.

Jerome had worked hard for better working conditions for the workers in New Babylon, and luckily Teodor hadn't seen the request for what it was: a sincere way of making sure the workers were healthy and doing ok. Jerome actually cared about their well-being, unlike Teodor who only viewed them as little ants scurrying around building his empire. Jerome had worked with Brett, the main guy in charge of the construction of the city, and had gotten a very weird vibe from almost reminded him of Teodor's aura but not quite as strong. Jerome had a sick feeling that Brett could rise very high in the Global Family...possibly taking his place as Teodor's the False Prophet.

But it was just a feeling, just a guess on his part. He wouldn't know who the False Prophet is until he is placed in that position. Jerome remembered hoping that he would rise up high in the GF and become Teodor's most trusted confidant, but once he discovered who that "person" actually was, he was relieved to simply be where he was.

Jerome was ready for what was to come, but he still needed a network of believers behind him. He felt a little lonely as the only known believer at GFH, and it was way too dangerous to ask around. He might need to use other means to find out if there were others and his first resource would be In the meantime he would continue praying for strength and protection in his risky environment, and so far God had truly answered his prayers. Teodor suspected nothing of his faith in Christ, and hopefully it would stay that way for a while.

- Katy

Andrew had a wide smile on his face as he drove to work. He had mounds of paperwork to sift through before he set up his office at Whiteman AFB. The GFM was fully functional at all bases and now he would need to weed out the less desirables from the officers in command. He parked in his usual spot and walked quickly to his offce. Several officers were milling about the main lobby and he saluted as he passed them, no need to be anything other than he pretended to be. Once inside his office and out of sight of the other officers he could decide his next move. He had planned to put key personnel in position to protect the Christians and any pilots that were helping the trib survivors. He had found their website and now he could send them coded messages to alert them to troop movements and any plans to harm them. He would contact MD at his shop and let him know he could send coordinates to help his pilots avoid the GFM. He needed to let Jerome Semerad know he had a commrad in this new war against Teodor. As personal assistant to the potentate, he would be very valuable. He had figured out Jerome a week or so ago and wanted to let him know he knew what side he was really on, but he had to find a secure way.

He logged into the system and immediately set up the secure line. He sent a message to Jerome and hoped he could figure out the coded message. Jerome was intelligent and he was sure he would understand. He pulled out the list of pilots and found Sam Watson listed and would need to find a way to contact him, too. Sam resided in St. Louis, but had left his position with the engineering firm and had moved. Where he had gone was unavailable. His profile led him to believe he was a rogue pilot and was a believer, but this would need to be confirmed.

He pulled up the site and quickly found the message from MD and Amy. He typed an email to Amy telling her who he was and that he was hoping to locate a Sam Watson, if she knew he was working for the Lord, please let him know. He would also be sending MD the coordinates for a safe flight pattern. He could monitor all air force communication and be able to send them on to their pilot. He smiled to himself, now he could the serve the Lord and help fellow believers.
- P4H

Bud was singing to himself and laughing as they drove back to the cave. Christina was pacing back and forth as she waited outside then she spotted the van coming down the road and began shouting to the others, "they are back." Sam parked the van and opened the door as Christina pulled him into a tight hug. "I'm so relieved that everyone is ok. It seemed as though you were gone for ages. I prayed that the Lord would drive that ugly thing away and since I don't see it lurking about, He must have removed it."

Bud jumped out of the van with Jason and Steven close behind and they began telling the story all at the same time. Linda put her hand up to stop them from talking all at once, "Whoa, slow down and just one person tell us what happened."

Bud told the story with animation included and summed it up, "You should have seen Sam. He stood up to that ugly, smelly thing and put a whoopin on it. Well, at least Sam used his faith in God to stand up to it. It was awesome and you just had to be there to understand."

Sam was bent over laughing listening to Bud's version of what had taken place. "It was God who saved us and I was just in His way. We will be subjected to more of this kind of thing, but our faith will protect us. We have the greatest power guiding and protecting us."

Jason pulled at Sam's sleeve, "I'm ready to go. I want to work for the Lord inside the GFM and I know I can do it. You faced pure evil today and God saw you through it and He can do the same for me. Please, Sam, I need to go as soon as possible."

"Jason, we will leave first thing in the morning. I need to check in with MD and Amy and let them know our plans," Sam told him.

The group gathered in a circle as Sam said a prayer, "Lord, we praise Your name and thank You for Your protection today. We send You our petition to keep this ground safe and secure from all evil forces that are of this world. We know the evil one will not win and we are giving ourselves to fight in Your heavenly army. Be with Jason as he prepares to enter the world of the AC and fight to protect all believers in Christ. Guide Sam and Bill, keep them safe as they deliver supplies to fellow believers. We ask for Your protection over MD, Amy and all those that work at the shop. We are in awe of Your power and are truly blessed. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we say AMEN."
- P4H

Sam and Christina were up early drinking coffee and discussing his mission for MD and taking Jason to St. Louis. "Yesterday made quite an impression on Jason. Maybe he's up to this venture. Shannon found the location for volunteering and I will need to get a car to take him to the National Guard Armory in St. Charles. The gentleman that I need to find is Andrew Carter. MD had a message from him earlier that he is our contact on the inside," Sam told her.
Christina smiled at Sam, "You can work wonders and I know you will find a way to get Jason where he needs to go. I will get our first shipment of food ready for you to take with you. Amy knows it's coming and she will route it where it needs to go. This may get complicated later, but right now our garden is growing much faster than we anticipated. That eco system MD came up with is amazing."
"When I get back we will have our ceremony. I know you and your Mom will be able to have everything ready in a couple of days. I just want to be able to call you my wife and the sooner the better."
Christina gave Sam a big hug, "It's what I want, too."
Jason and Steven joined them and they made plans for the day. Steven assured Sam he would take care of things there. Shannon came walking into the room rubbing her eyes, "I have all your paperwork ready, Sam. MD and Amy know you will be there later this afternoon and will be ready with your shipment. I asked them to send one of the solar powered generators and a few other supplies so you will have a full load."
Sam looked over at Jason, "Well, buddy, you ready to hit the skies?"
Jason eagerly smiled at Sam, "You bet. The sooner the better."
Sam and Jason said their good-byes and headed to the airstrip. Christina watched until the car was out of sight then told her Mother, "We have some planning to do before Sam returns. He wants to have the ceremony in two days. You think we can be ready?"
Linda smiled, "Our dresses are almost ready. Amy and I have been sewing up a storm so we just need to do a little alterations and they will be ready. You know I remember a movie called "Fireproof" and I loved the wedding ceremony at the end, think we could do something like that?"
"I think so. We can get Bud and Steven to make the cross and I saw the perfect place to put it. You know, Mom, it doesn't matter where we marry, it's that we marry!"
Linda laughed, "We still want it to memorable, don't you think? Of course, knowing Bud it will be that and probably more. We are truly blessed to have found two good men."
"No doubt." replied Christina.
She looked up as she heard the plane buzz overhead and waved even though she figured he hadn't seen her. She called out, "God's speed and protection over you both."

- P4H

Jerome stared at his computer. There in front of him was an odd message. " looks like its coded." Jerome noticed the randomness of the words, which were not forming sentences, as well as jumbles of letters that weren't words at all. It was from a man named Andrew, but who was he?

Jerome rubbed his hands together and got to work. He moved the words around at first, trying to make sentences with them, but after an hour or so, he realized it must not be so easy. Then he decided to try and change the words into different forms (ex: react; reacted; reacts) and had little success.

It was then he realized that although there were words in front of them, they weren't the words Jerome was supposed to read.

He needed to make each word into a different word and then combine them into sentences "Sheesh...why did he have to make things so complicated?" But Jerome knew why; it was risky to send Jerome anything that could be interpreted as "harmful" to the GF, but Jerome still didn't know what type of message Andrew was trying to send to him. "I'm sure this Andrew doesn't know that my connection is the most secure in the world and that I don't need coded messages to be sent, but maybe his connection isn't quite so secure." If he ever figured this out, Jerome would message Andrew and explain how to make his connection secure enough to stay in contact with him.

"Ok now, lets see..." Jerome sat down and started with the first word. He realized that each word only translated into one other word, which made things much easier. It only took him 30 minutes to get all of the words translated.

Jerome stared in shock at the screen.

He saw words like "heavenly" and "Christ" and then he knew what the message was about. He quickly arranged the words into sentences and the message appeared before him:


I am Andrew, and I work for the Global Family Military. But I am a believer in Christ, a sheep among wolves, and I wanted you to know that I am also on the inside and willing to work with you, should you need to contact other believers. I am a part of a small group of believers who are also in contact with MD and Amy on you heard of them? They will be very helpful to you if you ever need any supplies or if you want them to send a message that everyone can see on the website. If you feel like the Big Man on Campus is getting angrier and angrier at Christians (which we know he will), please warn us and try to allow MD and Amy plenty of time to help the pockets of believers get organized and into new safe havens. Message me at the first inkling of Teodor being suspicious of you, and I will work hard to find a safe way to get you out of there and to one of our safehouses.

I know it is tough being a believer on the inside, but know that you have at least one other brother in Christ by your side. I am highly ranked in the GFM if you need any help there.

In Christ,

"Wow" was all Jerome could say. "Praise God" he whispered. He quickly created a message and then put it in the same coded format as Andrews, explaining how to make his connection as secure as his and how overjoyed he was at learning about Andrew's belief in Christ. He told Andrew to make sure the other pockets of believers knew he was here on the inside if they needed any information or help because for some reason, Teodor truly valued Jerome's opinion and often implemented his suggestions. He made sure Andrew understood how risky it was to "play the AC" but that if it was possible, he would try his best.

He clicked the "Send" button and went over to his fireplace, turning it on and relaxing in his easy chair. "Lord, I am amazed at how your blessings rain down on me and on your children in this fallen world. Continue to be with us and provide us with protection, strength, and love during the Tribulation."

- Katy

Andrew Carter was one of the highest commanders in GFM in the Midwest Region. He had his orders and he would do everything in his power to make sure believers were protected. He turned on his computer and immediately saw a message flashing on the secured site. The message from Jerome was a good sign and he would let him know he had a secure way to correspond. If he was working with Jerome, so much more could be accomplished.

He sent a message immediately letting him know he could send messages without putting them into code now that he knew it was secure on Jerome's end, too. Andrew explained his full position with the GFM and how he planned to set up positions using believers. A new name hit his desk and the new recruit was waiting at the armory for instructions. He had requested an assistance job and his qualifications looked impressive. He was signed in by Sam Watson as the nearest of kin. Sam Watson.......he needed to get to the armory.......had to call the director to hold Sam Watson......thank you, Lord.
- P4H

Since the GF had control of all communication satellites, the Bright Star force was limited to bridge to bridge radio, the public internet and using visual signaling? Once a ship got over the horizon, all communications was lost. As far as the internet, it not being secure, the communication crew kept as far away from it as possible. They did monitor it for general information but to send out messages it was a taboo.
0245: ET3 Edwards was jumping back and forth between web pages of the main news outlets when he can across a message to the Bright Star Task Group or so it appeared. Reading it again, he printed off the page and ran it up the chain of command; maybe they could use these people for supplies if needed.

To: All of the trib warriors worldwide...
It has been placed upon our hearts here at the shop that some of you, may be in immediate danger from the GF military. We are praying for you fervently, and have asked for the Lords guidance. If you are receiving this email, the Lord has directed it to you. We are a small machine shop, with foundry capability. And the Lord has put it on us that you may be in need of some of the services that we offer. If you get this message and feel that that the Lord is guiding you to us, please respond by contacting me personally at and we will be in touch with you immediately. Please be advised that we are in a very dangerous world now, and all emails and correspondence can be intercepted and used against us, so be vague with your initial request until we can verify your authenticity and set up dialogue on a secure server. We know that there are dark forces at play, but just remember. The final chapter is already written and it says that WE WIN!!!

God bless all of the trib warriors,
Amy and the boys at the shop.

0600: Lt. Girardeau was tasked with overseeing the communications of the task force read the message, smiled, stamped the paper “POSSIBLE” then passed it up the chain.

0900: Ken St John, reading the daily reports came across this print out of the web site. After reading it three times, Ken walked down to the radio shack and spoke with Edwards.
Back on line and on the site, Ken gave Edwards the OK to send a short message to the email think what to say without say to much, Ken wished he had read the bible more or had that Jewish Weapons Officer here.

“Know any bible verse?” Ken asked Edwards

“You joking right sir?”

“No, by reading this message it seems as if the site belongs to church people so I figured we throw out some bible stuff and we get in”

“The only thing I know is didn’t God once say a eye for a eye or something like that?”

“Mmm, I know type this, The Father who is in Heaven, Holy is your name, your will, will happen on this earth as it happens in Heaven. Send us what we need and forget our sins. Amen”

Edwards looked at the Admiral and laughed. “Are you sure sir? Is that a bible book or chapter?”

“No, Edwards it is the Lords Prayer. Every true Christian knows this prayer and we should get a response soon.” Ken turned away and whispered “I hope”

Edwards typed in the message and the address then hit send. After a couple minutes he shut down the labtop and went to bed.

- Alex

Sam sat waiting for Jason to finish his paperwork and then he must be on his way to the shop. He watched the enlisted men forming lines to be sent to training and hoped Jason understood what he was getting himself into. It had just been five months since the disappearances, yet it seemed like an eternity. The unlikely group that had made their way to the security of the cave had become family. Shannon and Kerri were surprised to be expecting their first child during the worst of times, but they were excited and happy that they would share this child for eternity in heaven. Christina and Linda had found happiness they had not known in many years. Linda had become good friends with Bud and a relationship developed to the point that they were going to be married. Bud was the ex-Marine who was lovable and at times very animated and funny. He had known Steven all his life, but they had never been friends.......until now. God had put Alexis in their paths and she proved to be a huge asset to the growing group. Tom, how sad he had left them, but he was in heaven with our Father and lucky he would miss all this mayhem that would be soon coming their way. Jason and Amy two young kids that were becoming very useful to the group. Amy helped Linda with all the sewing and making up supply boxes for other trib survivors. Jason had put them all through so much and look at him now, he was going to be undercover in the GFM. Then there was his beloved Christina. How he wished he had met her years before. She had made him extremely happy.
Sam was quickly snapped away from his thoughts when he heard his name being called. The young soldier kept saying, "Are you Sam Watson? The director needs to speak to you, if you are Sam Watson. Mister, mister, are you Sam Watson?"
"Yes, I am?" Sam replied.
The young man said, "Sir, you need to follow me."
Sam felt a sinking feeling come over him and wondered what they could possibly want with him. He had no intentions of volunteering for anything, if that's what they had in mind. He reluctantly got to his feet and followed the young man. Well, he had faced one demon, guess he could handle another.

- P4H

Six months ago, the crew of the Samuel of Ramah was preparing for an event that they felt was in the best interest of their Nation. Neighboring nations as well as the all the nations including the United States had turned their backs on Israel. Backing them into a corner, the Israel government felt they had but one option and that was to destroy the city of Damascus, the capital of Israel hate. Just past midnight, the crew of the Israel submarine launched two nuke tipped missiles sending death and total destruction into the heart of the Arab nation. Shorty their after, before an nation had a chance to respond, the God of Israel, the God that the Christians talked about and the God that many denied stood up from his thrown in Heaven and commanded to bring his people home.
Jesus Christ in all great glory called each man, women and child home. These, who had kept their faith true to him rather dead or alive, vanished from the earth in a twinkle of an eye.
Since that time, in the past five months, the nations of Russia, Iran, Turkey, all Arab nations charged forth to destroy Israel. But God once again as written in the Holy Bible, he protected his people whom he had blindfolded for a short time. He himself sent death and destruction to any and all nations known as the Gog and Magogs.
As the remaining nations of the world not knowing or believing what had happen, formed together under one name and one man, the word and demanded went out for all nations to put down their arms of war. Many nation leaders did as requested and threw down their arrows and broke their bows. But many sailors and officers, men of the sea, onboard their ships refused and soon the lines of war were drawn.
Close to two thousand ships sailing under the flag of the Global family quickly formed the largest task force the world had ever seen. North of the islands of Japan, 30 aircraft carriers, 142 cruisers, 268 destroyers, 69 submarines and hundreds of frigates, mine sweepers, supply ships and others came together. All military satellites, communications networks and command controls were available to the fleet commanders as they set out to bring peace to the world.
A much smaller task force under the name of Bright Star, formed just off the tip of Chile. This group of men, women and machines believed that to have peace each nation must have the ability to operate freely from the rest. Some of the crews knew what had happened and turned their lives over to Christ. Their hope now was to live and die for him; no more worldly wants would control their lives. They failed the Lord the first time, this time it would be his way, all the way.
Admiral Ken St John now commands the Bright Star group, Jack McCoy a Captain who gave his ship away rather then give into the Global Family now was in charge of a special detail made up of two British submarines, the HMS Wales and the HMS Holly. The former Israel sub crew under the command of Joe Akeman transferred and now commands and controls the HMS Wales.
Canadian Special Forces Major Glen Ward, has a small crew of hard working men awaits their final orders.
Many other men and women on board these ships know that they will probably die the first day of battle. They know that their 143 ships were no match for the greater force that soon would be heading their way. With no bases to operate from, no shipyards or supply ships to restock the Bright Light task Force they all knew that in short time the freedom that each man and women knew and felt fighting for would be lost for ever. But at least they would fight and fight to the last man. “Remember the Alamo” was called out many of times and each time the story would be told to the strangers of different countries not knowing the story.
Benjamin Stein, the weapon officer and now a Christ follower, took it upon himself to read as much as he could of the Bible and pass this knowledge to others who were looking for answers. He and the rest of the former crew of the Samuel knew the final outcome and welcomed whatever came their way.

- Alex

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