Sunday, January 2, 2011

Are They Ready For This?

Aini dashed up the porch steps and was arrested by a note stuck to the porch door. How can this be?

The note read, "I came by when you were out today. I'll be back tomorrow at the same time. Farmer J" Aini stared at the note mesmerized. She couldn't believe her eyes! How could he? Why didn't he wait for me? Why? With these thoughts swirling around in her head she entered the little cottage and collapsed onto her sleeping mat. I needed the money! Another day and he might find someone else. Aini moaned to herself. Oh, well. He's coming back tomorrow, so I won't go anywhere tomorrow, she promised herself stubbornly. Not even to the mosque.


Babylon, Iraq

Brett Reed sat at his desk and glared at the young man who stood in front of him. The young man squirmed under Brett's stare.
"I was assured that you would be able to trace any and all internet sites that might be a threat to the Pontentate. Yet there are new sites popping up on a daily basis. The Pontentate is getting very upset at the negative things being bandied about on the internet. Are you aware that people are even going so far as to call him the antichrist?!" Brett roared.
"I'm sorry sir. I am doing the best I can. The internet is worldwide, and the sheer magnitude of people going online daily is unbelievable." Preston Richards stood quaking in his shoes. "I have been working on a new program that will enable us to shut down sites automatically when key words are used."
"What kind of words?" Brett leaned back in his chair and propped his feet on his desk.
"Well..." Preston began, "We have to be careful with what words we choose. Obviously anything using the word antichrist." Preston saw Brett drop his feet back to the floor. "And..."
"Enough." Brett interupted. "I don't want these sites shut down. I want them traced. I want to know who exactly is defaming our good Pontentate's name."
"But sir. Many of these sites are untraceable. We try tracing them and they run my people around in circles. One moment the IP shows out of London, the next Rome, and then even out of Babylon herself." Preston held his hands out in a pleading gesture. "I think the best route is to have the sites shut down automatically with the use of certain keywords."
Brett sat behind his desk and stared at the young man. "You're telling me that you are unable to trace these malicious websites, is that correct?"
Preston swallowed hard. He opened his mouth but his fear was so great that the words stuck in his throat.
The door opened and one of the guards entered the room. Preston glanced over his shoulder and saw the guard smile. Turning back he saw that Brett had stood up and walked around to the front of his desk. "Apparently you are unable to do the job you were assigned." Brett said mildly.
"No! I mean, I am able, I just need more time to try and figure out how to...." Preston stuttered to a stop when he saw Brett give a small nod.
"Preston, your fired." Looking at the guard standing behind Preston, Brett calmly gave the order. "Take him to the incinerator."
Preston began to scream as the guard dragged him out of Brett's office. He picked up the phone and called his secretary. "Let Preston's second in command know that he is now in charge of tracing these internet rebels."

- Zags


It was a glorious morning at Possum the gang all took heart from Tim's story and had followed the leading of the Holy Spirit to seek God and His Presence. But the mountain top experience is short lived.

"KNOCK KNOCK" ....while being so engrossed in worship ..the crew were unaware of a Black Suburban pulling up outside....."KNOCK KNOCK" .....Dan heads to the door as the silhouette of two large men awaits..."Hello?" "How can I help you gentleman?" Dan ask ..Flashing Global Family Badges ..."we are Global Agents Johnson and Andrews...We are apart of the Global Census Task force..we are going to need to come in and take survey" Dan hesitantly but submissively steps aside as the two agents walk inside and taking off sunglasses and with a stern scowl obvserve the mass meeting of believer's

"well well..what do we have here?" quickly things have changed


On shore southern most tip of South America

“Starfish this is Goldfish 1 our legs are dry over”

“Copy Goldfish”

The five man Seal team secured their swim gear changed into the local area clothing so to blend in then headed out. The plan was for Goldfish 2 & 3 to head east and circle around until they entered the small village of Los Banos. Goldfish 1, 4 &5 would make their way to the area were the subject was last seen. Once found, Goldfish 4 would remain in the area while 1 & 5 would continue to Los Banos.
Each man was fluent in the many of the local languages thier only concerns was Goldfish 4 was from Michigan so his skin color might attract more attention then what they wanted and with fresh snow on the ground anyone looking for someone coming out of the water would be a easy find.

Up a small incline the three men moved with stealth and speed, they hoped to be in place and able to walk into town just after the sun came up. Through the trees, they could see the lights of the ships off in the distance.
With night vision goggles on plus the snow they moved with ease. A native deer that was resting next to a fallen tree jumped up and sped away causing the three men to hit the ground ready to fire upon the next sound heard.

“1 & 5 this is 4, it was a deer over”
“Copy 4, we need to get out more, I feel a little rusty”
“Understand, I almost stunk the place up”
“OK guys cut the chatter, lets move” Goldfish 1 replied after switching his weapon back to safe.

Normally they wouldn’t have batted an eye and would have seen the deer before it jumped but after being onboard ship for a few months, they were a little rusty. Goldfish 1 made a mental note to ensure the whole team comes ashore and conduct op training when this op was complete.

Goldfish 2 & 3 moved like shadows in the night, their 3 miles track was mostly open and the only noise or movement was a dog out looking for a nighttime meal but he was heading the other way. A quarter mile to their right, a light was on in what appeared to be a barn, but again no issues for the two as they semi ran their route.

“Goldfish 2 this is 1, what is your progress”
“We will have freshly brewed coffee on you at sunrise over”

“1 this is 4, I think I found our spot. 50 yards to your left up 25”
“Copy 4, 5 on 4”
Goldfish 1 and 5 quickly met up with Goldfish 4. Looking around they could see were someone has been walking to this spot then sat down. The path was well worn so that told them the subject was not a one time photo op.

“Starfish this is Goldfish 1 over”
“Go Gold fish”
“Area found, looks to be well used for ops. Recommend finding and removing hazard if possible over”
“Copy Goldfish 1, look at possible fishing and bringing your catch home for supper”
“Understand Starfish, will look at bait and stringer capability over”
“Copy Goldfish, Starfish out”

“OK guys, it seems Starfish wants us to if possible grab the subject and deliver him or her to the ship.”
“Oh sweet, you remember what happen to the last guy we tried to swim with, it took us an extra five hours then the guys dies 50 yards out.”
“We will have to do better this time. OK 4, grab a spot and keep low, I am thinking the guys comes out every night at the same time so you should be clear up to around 23:00.”

“5 you’re with me, let go”

"Goldfish 1 to 2 & 3, I and 5 are moving out, last one to town buys the coffee”
“Copy 1”

- Alex

On the Ranch

Rage raced between the two houses. In the little house he provoked Leon, and at the big house he searched for the weakness he detected. He had tried to pinpoint who was feeling small bouts of anger, but as of yet had been unable to determine which of Jehovah's children was weakened. The Light inside each of the children burned bright whenever he was near, and he could only detect small flares of sincere rage. By the time he thought he had a target, the small surge of anger would pass being replaced by peace that came from Yeshua Himself.
Rage bided his time, knowing from the feel of the anger coming from one of the children that it would only be a matter of time before he could step in and interfere with their close walk with Christ.

- Zags

Christina watched her husband as he knelt in prayer then suddenly a glow so bright surrounded him and he fell backwards. She stood watching unable to move and was totally awestruck by the vision. The vision lasted only a few minutes then it was gone......"WOW" was all she could manage to mutter. She rushed out to Sam and knelt beside him, "Sam, are you alright? You were totally surrounded by this glow....a bright light.....a glow that I can't even begin to describe. Say ok?"
His face had changed and the glow seemed to have stayed with him, "Yes, I'm just fine. In fact, I'm better than I've ever been in my whole life."
Christina let out a huge sigh and hugged Sam tightly, "I'm so glad. You know everyone was shocked by your reaction to seeing the Potentate. I really do understand what you were trying to say, but no one has ever heard you say something in anger."
"I know and I should have handled it differently, but we are not to be interested in what the AC is doing. We are to be living for Jesus only. I am truly sorry for my reaction. Think it kinda shocked me, too," he replied.
The couple sat holding each other when Sam suddenly stood up, "You know something, we really need to get into contact with MD and Amy. I have a feeling they need me.......I have a new mission.....I feel it. I hope you don't mind if I'm gone a lot, but it's important to help those that need what MD and the shop can supply."
Christina smiled and pinched his cheek, "I do miss you, but you have to do what you can for all believers. It is what you have been called to do. I have a lot to keep me busy any way. I think Shannon and Kerri have a shipment ready to take so it's time you made another run."
The two walked hand in hand back inside. Steven looked up as the two approached, "Sam, I am with you on your opinion regarding anything involving the AC. I just want you to know I think you should have reminded us who we are to worship and it certainly isn't that pompous, arrogant, evil Potentate."
Sam put his hand on Steven's shoulder, "Thank you, Steven. We do have more important things to think about other than watching him parade around his new city."
Bud approached Sam and hung his head, "Uhhh, uhhh....I'm sorry Sam. I do love the Lord."
"It's fine, Bud. I just didn't react well and I am the one who should be apologizing. Let's remember not to be too curious about the AC. Jesus will take care of him in due time. In the mean time, let's do what we can to provide for all believers. How are you coming on the new shed?" Sam said.
"It's almost finished. I have some new disguises ready, too. Alexis, Shannon, and I have been working on documents that look official and should have you traveling papers ready for your next flight," explained Bud.
Sam turned to face the group, "Everyone, you all have been doing an awesome job with the garden, uniforms, clothes, all the things you've been doing to help build an inventory for the believers that have been left with nothing. I know Bud and Steven have done a great job stocking us with deer meat and other critters....," Sam laughed, "Alexis and Shannon have been doing a marvelous job keeping us up-to-date on all the new laws, weather reports, and all the technical stuff. Linda and Amy have spent hours sewing, cooking, and doing a lot of chores that keep this place in running order. Kerri, I want to thank you for all the work you've accomplished in the garden. It seems as though we have every vegetable known to man growing inside and out. We should be able to really provide a lot for those that will need food now and in the future. Amy, I know you have missed Jason, but I assure you, he is in very good hands. I want to thank my beautiful wife for getting our new supply chain up and running.....and mostly for putting up with me."
Everyone cheered and gathered around Sam hugging each other and singing praises. Alexis' voice rose above the others as she began singing 'Our God is an Awesome God' then the rest joined in as they lifted their voices to the Lord in praise and thanksgiving.

- P4H

"And you sir said your name is Hank?" "From Dallas Tx?" "Yes sir" "ok please take your finger and place it in the ink and then press down right here"

The Global Agents went down the list of people surveyed..."Keisha from Nebraska, Stacy from Boston" "down the list fingerprints and noted time and place"

"who haven't we got to yet" "that would be me" Pastor Tim spoke up as he walked in from the kitchen

Both Agents looked up...Their eyes making contact ...The first Agent sternly urging Tim "take a seat" but the other agent stared right at Tim...not daring to look away "Name?" "Tim" "May I see your License?" Tim taking it out "certainly" "current residence?" "right here at Possum Hollow"

as Tim continued the census survey...the other Agent continued to study Tim's every move...."says here your Reverend Tim?" "Yes sir" "You still hold to ideologies of division or have you since taking your place in the Global Family?" "SIR?" "Is that part of your survey?" "No sir but we are to be on the look out for fringe groups, militia's and revolutionist who might be in opposition to the Global Family are our global good?" "And from the looks of things..this place might be just that" "What are you suggesting?" "from where I sit ..I see bibles ..I see a reverened ..and I see followers" "I might just have to report this site as commune of anti-government rebels"

A holy indignation began to rise up within he thought to himself..."these are just men..and we wrestle not against flesh and blood" "Sir I assure you we are exactly what you are suggesting" "The Global Agent stood to his feet in a threatening posture" but Tim continued just the same...."We are a group of people who have freely assembled in a place out of love and devotion for Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" The agent began to mock "Jesus?" "did you hear that? as he elbowed the other agent....."These are they that are devoted to Jesus" "Yes we are and we are not ashamed" "For there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven by where men can be saved" "SAVED?" "SAVED FROM WHAT?" the agent shouted in his mocking anger...."From eternal Hell an damnation" "from eternal seperation from all that is good an loving...from all that you a place where the worm dies not..a place where there will be screaming and gnashing of teeth" "saved from yourself, from the shallowness of your life..the hurt you felt as a kid when your dad left you" (all of the room's eyes grew wide in disbelief as Tim continued) "God was there the whole time ..he heard all those prayers you prayed...the one's you thought went unanswered" "SHUT UP...SHUT THE &*(&^ UP" " Then turning to his fellow agent...."Let's get the (*&* out of here" but as he turned he noticed the agent was bowing his head...."WHAT THE?" Tim ...."Sir you came here..let me rephrase were sent here to do a job...but the truth is God brought you both here for such a time as this..."today is the day of is the appointed time" "it's time you both switched's time you bowed your knee NOT before men's kingdom's but before The King of Kings...Jesus Christ" as Tim boldly continued his plea "God was already at work fulfilling His words to Tim" (I will be sending many here" "be prepared") quickly and how strangley had God began to work...

Two Global Agents just hours ago full of hate and anger and resentment stand in an old farm house with an Ole Farmer named Dan, his son and nephew ...a prodigal minister and some un assuming believer's to boot....but most importantly they stand on Holy Ground...In the Presence of God and His convicting, life changing power

The Angry Agent's countence softened "He was really there? He really heard me?" "He's always been there ..and will always be...IF YOU LET HIM" Tim reached out his hand and knelt on one knee "will you let him?" will you pray?" The agent knelt beside Tim and did just that..He and the other agent too...they were born into a new kingdom ...with a new future and a new hope....


Steve returned to his little apartment in one of the quieter Jerusalem neighborhoods. He had a small kitchenette/dining area, living room, and bathroom. The couch made into a fairly comfortable bed, but he longed for his old apartment in the states with it's large rooms and a view of the park. He had lived blocks from Andrew and Claire and in the evenings he would walk to their place to sit on their patio and sip iced tea and munch on cookies Claire had baked. He had really liked Claire and Drew, well, he came with Claire. They would take weekend trips to the Lake of the Ozark for swimming and boating. Claire was always full of laughter and had a sweet way of making everyone feel as though they were the most important person in the world. She had spent those long lazy days talking to him about Jesus and her faith in God. Jesus would return for all those who believed He was the Son of God, who died upon the cross for the sins of the world, and rose the third day. Jesus spent His time on earth teaching and ministering to all who would hear. Drew said she was gone, not dead, but gone......disappeared with the others. She was a faithful Christian and that must be what happened, just as she said it would. He shook his head, "No, maybe it's not true. Maybe she left Drew and he won't admit it. She really loved Drew and he was nuts about her.......can't see that happening....yet

- P4H

For the hour of the morning, and the darkness of the new day, the witnesses stood tall looking out upon those gathered for prayers.

Andrew, Mark, Bill and Connor stood in awe as they witnessed the two holy figures they had only read about their whole lives.

The Rabbi and Lisa led them closer as Julie and David followed.

They watched as a glowing light seemed to encompass around the two. One of them moved closer to the barrier edge and looked out among the people ready to speak to them.

Multitudes, multitudes
in the valley of decision!
For the day of the LORD is near
in the valley of decision.

The sun and moon will be darkened,
and the stars no longer shine.

The LORD will roar from Zion
and thunder from Jerusalem;
the earth and the sky will tremble.
But the LORD will be a refuge for his people,
a stronghold for the people of Israel.

Then you will know that I, the LORD your God,
dwell in Zion, my holy hill.
Jerusalem will be holy;
never again will foreigners invade her.
"In that day the mountains will drip new wine,
and the hills will flow with milk;
all the ravines of Judah will run with water.
A fountain will flow out of the LORD's house
and will water the valley of acacias. [b]

But Egypt will be desolate,
Edom a desert waste,
because of violence done to the people of Judah,
in whose land they shed innocent blood.

Judah will be inhabited forever
and Jerusalem through all generations.

Their bloodguilt, which I have not pardoned,
I will pardon."
The LORD dwells in Zion!

They watched as he finished speaking and took a step back.
Even as many times as Lisa and the Rabbi had witnessed this before they remained in awe even as the new ones to the group took it all in.

They watched as many in the crowd knelt and prayed to the God of Abraham to remove the scales from their eyes so that His son may be revealed to them. Andrew, Mark , Bill and Connor could actually feel the spirit moving through the crowd as they would discuss later that morning over breakfast.

- Renee

New Babylon was bigger than either Caleb or Stu had imagined. They had been picked up just before dawn to avoid any disturbances that seemed to continue daily around the green zone. The drive had taken them a little over an hour. They both had heard that Teodor was in New Babylon for a few days for his monthly inspection of the progress for completion.

New Babylon appeared to bigger than any city they had ever worked in. Stu had wondered why they were needed here, but now he understood. The city went on for miles and miles. They would be traveling great distances everyday to deliver the supplies each contractor would need for his days work. Caleb had brought the whole team with him at the orders given by Teodor.

At the entrance to the Grand Hotel, they were met as they pulled up and informed that the rest of the team had arrived. Each was escorted to a suite of rooms that had been put aside just for them. "Just so you know Stu, I have promoted you as my supervisor to oversee all supplies get where they need to be when I am busy with other things for the city. Hows that sound? he asked Stu. Stu at the moment was feeling honored and proud that Caleb saw him in this position. "Thank you Caleb. I will do my best for you". he answered as they both were shown to their rooms. First thing Stu wanted to do was call George at the conservatory to let him know he had arrived safely. But first he would shower and remove the desert sand from his bodyhe thought to himself as he glanced out the window of his suite seeing the beauty of the city.

- Renee

Two thousand years ago ...a man named Saul was about the business of arresting and sometimes even killing christians...when on a road to Damascus his journey was divinely redirected. Knocked off a horse by a blinding light and a voice from heaven...Saul came face to face with the Power of God and went on to become the apostle of 2/3 of the new testament.

Yesterday two men had went on an assignment to take a census and were set to harrass and interogate a group of discovered believer's when they too met with the Power of God. Having bowed their knees and surrendered their lives to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings ..they now sit in the living room in Possum Hollow being spoon fed the word of God and given basic bible instructions before being sent back out to their worlds.

As the agents sit listening to the encouragement of their phone's vibrate ...taking his phone out of his pocket the Global Family Agent..."Agent Murtaugh speaking" "Yes sir...We have" "No hostiles have been detected" "we have one town left sir and will be back with our reports sir"...closing his phone he faces his living room audience...."well I guess it's back to work" "you guys obviously know this census is all about finding out who are the supporters and who are the dissenters" ...taking the report he had in his hands...he quickly rips each survey into pieces..."oops ..I didn't mean to do that" ....the room bust into laughter..."there's no way I can turn this in after today" "You have all blessed me so much" "And me too" the other agent pipes in....."Lawrence County, district 107 is deserted due to global cleansing".. that will be the report" "it should buy you all plenty of time..but you know with satellite surveillance they will eventually realize there are people out here and come back?" ..prodding Dan to ask "how long you reckon we have?" "a year..maybe two tops" "the new body heat scanning technology will expand and will allow for much broader will soon be that there will be no place to hide except maybe in caves" ...they all let out a chuckle...."well thank God for Possum Hollow" "the agents both looking perplexed" "if you guys ever come back and can't find us up in the might walk down the valley over yonder past the thicket ...we have a few caves around here" Both the agents catching up laugh along

the guys stand up and reach out to shake hands but Tim and Dan and Hank all wrap their arms around them and the whole group form a circle....Dan again as always takes off his ole hat...."let me pray for youin's before ya head out"

"Heavenly Father, we come to you with great joy for the work you have done here...for bringing these two guys into your Kingdom...and Lord we know your word says we must endure to the end ..and so Lord I pray just that...that you will grant both of my new brother's the strength to endure....and Father your word says that the joy of the Lord shall be our strength so I am asking that their hearts be so full of Joy...knowing they are now born again into your family and adopted as sons of the Most High...grant them courage to stand in the perilous times in Jesus Name...and everybody said AMEN"


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